Choosing a Medium


New Member
Hydroponics vs Soil? And if so how do I choose which soil? I know I would wanna be as organic as possible. Also, do I need to use a different type of soil for the seedlings to grow in?

If I choose to use something like rockwool can I transplant only into rockwool again, or is it okay to switch mediums? Also could use some help trusting nutrient use. I haven't even started growing obviously but I have a couple weeks to set up so I just need a sense of what the hell I'm doing.

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
For a beginner soil hands down
Hydro can have its Benefits but things can go wrong and when they do it can get real bad hydro can cost quite a bit to get going the right way with equipment,meters,testers,water chillers exc but hydro can pull some monster yelds when everything is done right

Fox farms ocean forest ,a few pots and a all in one roots organics box of nutes can be purchased for under $75


New Member
I've been reading up and watching videos as much as possible, those were just questions about the gaps I had to have filled. I think I'll stick with the soil. I can use the same type all throughout the plant life correct?

What's a good recommendation for nutes? How do I choose, and don't they have to be different for flowering and veg?

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
I've been reading up and watching videos as much as possible, those were just questions about the gaps I had to have filled. I think I'll stick with the soil. I can use the same type all throughout the plant life correct?

What's a good recommendation for nutes? How do I choose, and don't they have to be different for flowering and veg?
fox farms ocean forest

roots organics makes a small box kit with everything you need in it for cheep just stick to the instructions I dont use it in my garden but I have a pretty complex soil mix but I do over see a grow with the roots organic box set its a real great way to start its got a lil of everthing and should get ya through a few grows at about $40 for the box of nutes and $15 for the soil

pope creek

Active Member
Depends on the circumstances.
I grow outdoors in ammended soil and feed only organics.
Best way for me and the method I would reccemend without hesitation but....
If I was a novice growing indoors and was not concerned with organics, I would probably go with RockWool or some other nuteral medium and use a 3 part feeding system. Balancing PH as I go.
Feel it's the most foolproof way.
Less chance of pests and mold etc.
Less confusion about feeding.
Excellent results because even though chemical ferts are evil things, they work great.


New Member
I was just looking at videos of the fox farm solution and I think that's what I'm gonna go with. Seems like a simple little system. Should I use something else for the seeds and seedlings tho? Btw I really want to be able to say everything I use is organic so fox farm makes a lot of sense

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
I was just looking at videos of the fox farm solution and I think that's what I'm gonna go with. Seems like a simple little system. Should I use something else for the seeds and seedlings tho? Btw I really want to be able to say everything I use is organic so fox farm makes a lot of sense
the fox farms nute line is not organic only the big bloom is

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
I was just looking at videos of the fox farm solution and I think that's what I'm gonna go with. Seems like a simple little system. Should I use something else for the seeds and seedlings tho? Btw I really want to be able to say everything I use is organic so fox farm makes a lot of sense
if you use the ffof soil you dont need to use nutes for 3+ weeks after your seed sprouts

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member


New Member
So stay away from fox farm? Cuz I like the sinicity of their setup and schedule and when I check out those other options you mentioned it's a little overwhelming. I don't mind being a little less organic if I can just buy those 3 products and if they'll still get the job done


Well-Known Member
roots organic soil, or fox farm oceans forest and add peralite. main two points to remember when it comes to nutes more is not better use about 1/4 wat the bottle says tell your plants are adapted. only water when the plants need it, if you see them start to droop or your pots are light when you lift them. If you want to see how the pot should feel water a pot of soil with no plant in it tell some water comes out of the drain holes at the bottom, then leave it under your light. you will notice the difference in weight. If you water a ghost plant make sure its a one gallon or half gallon pot lol not a 3 or 5 gallon hahahaah


Well-Known Member
I started in soil, but found it was much easier to use promix and dyna-gro nutes.

I found that without knowing what the soil had in it, while giving nutes really screwed me up as a beginner.

With the promix I know what goes in, with dyna-gro it's a simple nute line to use.

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
So stay away from fox farm? Cuz I like the sinicity of their setup and schedule and when I check out those other options you mentioned it's a little overwhelming. I don't mind being a little less organic if I can just buy those 3 products and if they'll still get the job done
the problem is there is realy no 3 bottle set up that's going to supply your plants with everything they are going to need the fox farms nute line will grow weed but theres a lot of better options out there for the same price or less

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
roots organic soil, or fox farm oceans forest and add peralite. main two points to remember when it comes to nutes more is not better use about 1/4 wat the bottle says tell your plants are adapted. only water when the plants need it, if you see them start to droop or your pots are light when you lift them. If you want to see how the pot should feel water a pot of soil with no plant in it tell some water comes out of the drain holes at the bottom, then leave it under your light. you will notice the difference in weight. If you water a ghost plant make sure its a one gallon or half gallon pot lol not a 3 or 5 gallon hahahaah
I use the roots worm castings but haven't seen the soil you like it?

hells canyon genetics

Well-Known Member
NPK are the 3 things every plant on the planet needs to survive
from that each species of plant requires other nutrient's minerals trace element's exc to thrive
what I like about the roots organic is it comes with all of the extra stuff needed for cannabis to thrive that don't come in any other starter box you can acquire all of this stuff individually and it could add up to hundreds of $$$ due to how much you have to buy at a time 5 pound boxes at a time I cant name all of them off the top of my head but here's some that are in the starter box
fish bone meal,oyster shell flower,kelp meal,greensand,soybeen meal rock dust,alfalfa meal,feather meal.langbeinite rock phosphate, dolomite lime,calcitic lime gypsum fish protein this is just the ingredients of 2 of the packs that come in the box I think there is like 10 packs and bottle in the box so its realy well rounded I have all of this stuff in raw box form but I had to buy a cargo trailer to store it because it takes up so much room roots organics puts it all in one box and it should be enough to get you through 2-3 grows of 6 plants each grow