Chocolate thai


Active Member
I went to my local dispensary today, and to my surprise they had this strain in. The guy told me that this was the first time he'd seen this strain since the early 90's. I have not been smoking that long and was curious abput this strain. When I compared this pic ture I took to the ones google image shows they look exactly the same. As for smell I have no idea.
Has anyone recently come into contact with this strain or for that matter even at all? I want to try and find out if mine is in fact chocolate thai or some look alike thing.
Heres what mine looks like
choco thai 001.jpg
And heres what google image showed me.
Like I said, they look the same to me, but in terms of smell I'm not sure what I should be sniffing for. The stuff I have smells somewhat like a mix of coffee, chocolate baking powder, and salty sort of like soy sauce almost.
Thanks. +rep for help.


Well-Known Member
Well I only got it one time in the late 90's. It was a little more fluffy than your buds and was a lighter green color. But when you exhale it tasted like you had a thin layer of chocolate coating your tounge. I'm growing chocolate rain this year in hopes of finding this chocolate bud again.


Active Member
It has a taste thats really similar to those 85-90% cocoa chocolate bars in the grocery stores. Its not really sweet, its more bitter, buit its defintley there. If you ask me this stuff seems legit. I'm glad I found some to smoke at least, and its too bad there arent more sources of it around. I picked through this 8th for seeds hoping and hoping but nope.