ChloroBA C2 LED grow light


^^^If shady-ass magnum led and hydrogrow led's Scamie mckensie are involved in this IDK who to believe then:(..........chloroba c2led has some explaining to do, why are you involved with he/she Scamie on your website??????????????????????

Thanks for the heads up... ha. I am new to all of this and just looking for an led grow light. It is amazing what one can learn whilst researching things. This is like an all out war! haaa. Maybe I ought to go the MH Lighting route! So many scammers and weirdness on the LED end of the spectrum. :-? I just read your article on Scammie Mckenzie... :neutral: Girl turns into a guy, working at a car dealership in AZ. You cant make this stuff up! What did I stumble into? haaa. I am sitting here mindblown right now. HolyMoly what a story that is! This is like the X-files or something.
oh yeah the LED wars are kicking up again. Battle stations everyone. Poor People tho, I feel for ya all I really do, there are some devious horrible tactics going on and have been for the last 3 years, thought it was times of peace now, but nope,

I myself had been offered one of those ChloraBox LED's, for $1499, lololol. I still laugh now about it, ridiculous price for that & they call it OSRAM aswell? or they did,.....yeah I think someone has gone mad there, shame really, cos there SP range of LED growlights are actually quite good.

I'll certainly be watching the development of this anyway.
Its just a bloody shame that innocent people who just want to be able to grow get caught up in all this bull. Annoys me.
Power to the Growers.
You know EXACTLY what I am talking about with Bysen it seems... We sure aren't alone out there, I'm getting feedback from current employees of Bysen as well as a LOT of unhappy customers that went direct and bought Bysen product through a student online marketer and now that there are warranty issues the student is nowhere to be found. I think this needs to be addressed in this thread so that anyone in here that is considering buying from china direct is aware that the multitude of similar listing on websites like Alibaba coming from the same company for the same product are because companies like Bysen hire freshly graduated university students every year after Chinese new year as interns and their primary job is to spam the forums and online China business listings in hopes that someone will stumble upon their ad and contact them as a company representative. The problem here is that the student isn't actually hired directly by bysen but rather through a third party sales trading company that has a direct relationship with the owner of the manufacturing company. This causes problems like you are seeing with my case where the company and the sales manager who has his own company set up for tax reasons work together to steal or avoid warranty liability. Check out the skype log between myself and Andy Lau from Bysen ([email protected], ironically the same as shawn tong's email...). In the discussion you can clearly see how the game of pass the buck is played by the chinese. I specifically ask for proof and the question is completely ignored... Anyways, don't ever deal with a student marketer, deal only with an actual manager of the company that uses PAYPAL. If the person you are dealing with can't show you a manufacturing company certificate issued by the Chinese Government and request your money be sent to a bank account that bears that EXACT name then you aren't dealing with the manufacturer. Be careful, these slippery little fukkers have been perfecting this art of scamming north american companies for a LONG, LONG time and this is EXACTLY the reason why companies like Nike and others are cutting ALL ties with these little monkeys!!! Buy MADE IN USA!!!!

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Hey man . Why don't you pay them half first , and the rest payment after they offer you proof photoes that they have finished products . It seems that we both have bad experience with Chinese companies . That's terrible .They are all shit .
Just my pennies worth but I am getting a bit miffed at these two companys behaviour and certainly wont be doing any businesss with them myself.
I have had dealings with them in the past but knew back then something wasn't right. So didn't bother
as im no salesman, just wanted to know what was the best for growing.
Now they are really getting on my scruples;
I just told Cidly to go do one cos they just emailed me complete and utter bull about having new products for me to test. blah blah blah

turns out its a crappy redesigned UFO LED, yaaaaaaaaawn. at a whopping 90W output! hold onto ya hats people! this could be the 2 gram a watt monster we've all been waiting for! NOT. do you think they understand sarcasm aswell? cos I don't think they do....

So ill be blunt....They are Insulting arrogant idiots who think they got the best equipment.

What pisses me right off is that there is actually some really good, Honourable Chinese LED suppliers out there and idiots like these company's are making them all look bad
Its about time they got sorted by their own people as export trade will suffer in the long term. if it hasn't already started for them.

And its peoples reviews which will be the eventual downfall of all the bad eggs.

For the 'The Pen Is Mightier Then The Sword' & 'we are LEGION for we are MANY'
Yeah A&O it's disgusting the tactics we see in here again...........the fact that the OP stopped posting after it was found out he was the owner of magnum led just solidifies what their intent was with this thread.

It would be great if he came back and clarified some of our ???????s..........but I doubt it
Probably mate, who knows? that's the kind of tactic they like to use, but us forum goers are a bit wise to it now. innit?

Growers are now too wise to the misleading bollox surrounding LED's, I think we all just want to see proof in grows! I know I do.
How did u notice that about Magnum led?
So that chloro guy/Girl ;-) = hydrogrowled.
Why does hydrogrowled buy lights worth 45k from bysen?
And why r there "hints" on that chloroba Homepage like this:

So this entire thread was created by a 100% scammer trying to destroy/hurt another Company (bysen)?

check the first page lax123,........ but essentially YES

Bysen is trying to pull a price fix scheme though, cutting out the middle man..............I really don't care, because i would never pay $1500 for ANY chinese panel:P
hi ,
just stumbled upon this post after searching for reviews on Bysen.
i do have one question tho. as a business man also entering to this field i wonder who pays in advance for production? all over the world banks and businesses are using LC as a method of payment. why here is different?

this is just one story, are they any more you have encountered?

if we are to talk about Chinese manufacturers i do have one this to share from my experience. it is true that it is harder to find a high quality product and great customer service , but their are a few:)

hi ,
just stumbled upon this post after searching for reviews on Bysen.
i do have one question tho. as a business man also entering to this field i wonder who pays in advance for production? all over the world banks and businesses are using LC as a method of payment. why here is different?

this is just one story, are they any more you have encountered?

if we are to talk about Chinese manufacturers i do have one this to share from my experience. it is true that it is harder to find a high quality product and great customer service , but their are a few:)

I would disregard this and search more for opinions. This whole thing involved Cammie who in the past had used a couple shady ruthless tactics against competitors. Even making fake profiles on forums to defam and/or promote hydrogrow leds. So no telling if a single word of those claims of being done wrong by bysen are even true. Bysen is essentially like cidly. Cheap mass produced disposable leds with short lifespans was what I gathered doing my research. So I purchased lights elsewhere. If I were going to buy some cheap panels like that I'd look at the top led units with reflectors. Seen some good looking grows with those. Though keep in mind no telling how long they'll last.
This whole thing involved Cammie who in the past had used a couple shady ruthless tactics against competitors.

McKenzie also reported "problem" customers to police for growing weed. She trots out one incident of reporting someone who allegedly didn't pay for lights. But, there are other reports.

HydroGrowLED sponsors ICmag, which downplays Cammie's past. When Cammie tried to dismiss the "grassing out" reputation, an ICmag "supporter" spoke out (<<link) that there had been many reports of grassing out and that ICmag had deleted many posts of "led girl's" (Cammie's) history.

Just part of the same deceptive trend which surrounds Cammie and her business dealings.
Scare tactics..... shouldn't have been surpised but I still wouldn't buy a bysen LED they don't even look that good for that 1500$ price tag.

I was looking into these in November, and I was quoted in the mid 300's.... Then it was 1500, and they kept emailing me asking if I wanted them, after I told them I'd rather wipe my ass with the money than give it to them for a single light at that price, especially after they offered the lower price. I'm so glad I decided against using any Chinese LEDs and am going the DIY route.
Not for n o thing buy if you already lost 45k why not find out where this guy will be or stays even if you have to buy the info and "talk" to him in person...
These Bysen led lights are complete garbage anyways. I have had 2 of them for just over 2 years now and I have run through about 12 light modules and 1 power source. Bysen honored the warranty for the first few that broke (though it always took at least a month to get me a new one), and then they just stopped replacing them and answering my emails. I have even had to pay for the most of them myself. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this company. Not worth the headache. I am buying new light somewhere else. You should too.
These Bysen led lights are complete garbage anyways. I have had 2 of them for just over 2 years now and I have run through about 12 light modules and 1 power source. Bysen honored the warranty for the first few that broke (though it always took at least a month to get me a new one), and then they just stopped replacing them and answering my emails. I have even had to pay for the most of them myself. Do yourself a favor and stay away from this company. Not worth the headache. I am buying new light somewhere else. You should too.

Hi all, its been a time since I dropped by this thread and I see the post by the above member and thought id post my opinion on this LED aswell;
So, basically...

Bang on mate, im experiencing the same problem.

The test module has just been returned to me with one faulty LED cluster within 7 months of testing,, the power drivers are all fine tho, but,,,,,not very well made, they have a split in the side of them exposing the wires, I have asked about this and they replied 'they couldn't get the wires to fit properly' ???
why not just cut more slots in the case of the driver came to mind...

Plus on a engineering point of view, the power drivers have those horrible push down power wires, you have to push them into the power driver + & - terminals, crap. they should be just click connections for making changing out a lot easier, as the wires are so short, its quite difficult.

On a performance rating tho, not bad, they work well but do give off noticeably more heat from the lenses then other leds do, making it a harder to control temps in the height of summer.
It does have to be at least 12 inches + away from the tops of the plants at all times aswell, or burning will happen.

So, its all about the customer support now, I have contacted them about the fault last night direct with Skype aswell,...she is even online now!! but,,, so far,,,, nothing,, no reply, will tell I spose,. not good for someone with plants without a backup light tho, thank fook that aint me.

Peace all and I will keep you updated on the repair progress of this LED,. I may even post a strip down journal of it, see how long they ignore me for.,
not a good thing to do to a reviewer eh? lol.

Over n Out for now...

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update peeps!

had a reply, they want a photo showing the fault, so sending it off tomorrow. So good news is they are onto it now.
Picture was received and fault sent to the sales team to confirm, now its a waiting game for the part to arrive, will post when it does. :peace:
The LED module and heat sink have arrived, fitted and working.
Thanks to Antty from Bysen. If any others get problems, go to her via Skype or email,, she's excellent at sorting stuff out quickly.
Sometimes its best to go to the organ grinder and not the monkey eh? :bigjoint:
Cheers all!