CHLORAMINE vs CHLORINE in my tap water. HELP


Well-Known Member
Actually i did mean aquarium. the saltwater aquarium dechloriminator is meant to eliminate these 2 items in the water only without effecting anything else. People think weed is complicated. Try balancing chemicals for a variety of corals that would normally grow at hundreds of feet apart depth wise in the ocean. This stuff i can nearly guarantee will work because chlorine and chloramine could kill my corals in no time and i don't have a problem. it doesn't effect anything else in the water. Get the stuff for saltwater as it is prob better quality. Hopefully it works for you. plus its cheap anyways. worth a try.


Well-Known Member

4oz Amquel Plus Aquarium Water Toxicity Detoxifier from Kordon. Treats 240 gallons.
  • AmQuel+ is nontoxic and saves on the need for as many water changes
  • Removes/detoxifies all of the kinds of toxic nitrogen compounds in the water
  • Removes/detoxifies all forms of chloramines/ammonia/ammonium/nitrites/nitrates from the water
  • Stability and reliability reduces the need for water quality tests of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate
  • Removes/detoxifies toxic pheromones from the water
  • Does not affect the water's pH (acidity/alkalinity)
  • Does not interfere with the beneficial nitrifying bacteria or their food sources
  • Does not interfere with the beneficial sludge-removing bacteria or their food sources
I got this a couple weeks ago but have only been using it for a little over 1 week. I am using 12 drops/gal of tap water. I do let the water set a few hours after I put it in just to make sure it's done it's job. I just had 4 seeds sprout using it so maybe it's okay. I'll try yours if this turns out not to be good for them.
I just spriuted 4 seeds in it


Well-Known Member
That looks like the same thing and it should work fine. Ive never used this stuff outside my aquarium but aquariums have the most fragile life on earth in them and this is weed. it should be fine. Also for aquariums that might help you out are protien skimmers. they may filter some things out of your tapwater that you don't want. check them out.


Well-Known Member
That's great news. I'll check out "protein skimmers". Never heard of them so I'll check them out. You said you never used it outside your aquarium. You mean you have never used it in water you grow mj in?


Well-Known Member
Yah. Protien skimmers filter a certain kind of chemicals dissolved in the water. I'm looking into it for growing. maybe just put the skimmer on the water for a day or 2 before useing the water. If you protien skim tap water the skimmer will remove alot of brown sludge. I don't know what it is but it looks like its not benificial in any way. But i have to look into that more. Check out how cool and how much crap a protien skimmer will remove on youtube. They are expensive though also. like 300 for a good one. But they require no replacement filters or anything. They spin water in a cyclone with millions of tiny bubbles and impurities stick to the bubbles and rise up the cyclone and overflow into a collection cup. You wouldn't believe whats in water that this will remove. But like i said some of it you might not want to remove.


Well-Known Member
They sell them online for cheap. but i've heard very mixed reviews. mine was 300. which is a mid grade but works amazing. i heard the cheap ones don't work at all. i love watching them though. like a water tornado


Well-Known Member
Do you have video of your protein skimmer removing a bunch of brown sludge from tap water? Cause I doubt this statement very much knowing whatvi do about protein skimmers. That or your tap water is unlike 99.9% of the rest of the civilized world. You can't cheat physics and a $300 skimmer designed for the density if salt water is not gonna do much anything to tap water. Anything you could pull out in hours from tap water could be stripped via chemical (charcoal/zeolite) or physical filtration in seconds.

You want pure water get a deionization stage or buy a distiller. LD