Chloramine in my tap, I grow organic, need help with options.


Well-Known Member
I finally found a water report for my cities tap and it turns out there is a high level of Chloramines. I have been bubbling my water in hopes that it was only chlorine, but obviously that's not the case.

I have been growing organic for my last 4-5 grows and they have turned out fine, great bud, but I am wondering now if the chloramines have been destroying the microbial life. I def yielded a lot more at my last house when I had R/O water, and generally ran into less problems.

So, my only options seem to be to either buy water from the store (can't install r/o system), stop growing organic and go back to synthetics, or just keep growing organic and risk the chance that I'm losing microbial life and maybe not growing the plants to their full potential.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hi im not sure if chloramine kills microbial life but i do know it is essentially poision to plants regardless of how they are grown. Even growing synthetically or hydroponically the plants are still taking in the chloramine among other things. My suggestion is to use ro water. There are some pretty small systems out there for around 2 bills or less. They hook up to a sink or a garden hose fitting. If you decide to use bottled water make sure it has no sodium, it will say on the label


Well-Known Member
So I found a few threads on the subject, and I guess it's not as serious as I previously had thought. Prob should have read a bit more before I posted, sorry!

But I am curious about the aquarium drops, seems like a cheap easy solution. I also read the adding molasses to the water before bubbling will convert the Chloramines to Chlorine? That would be a very easy solution if so


Well-Known Member
You can get rid of the chloramines by adding a pinch of dirt while you bubble. The chloramines should attach to the organic material.
Some do not worry at all about it figuring the chloramine will not get very far into the dirt.

Check out the organic section.


Well-Known Member
And Trousers come in with the easy smart fix!
to the OP, you are right, you asked to soon.
when you have a question do 5 minutes of research and it may no longer be a question!

happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Yea, I jumped the gun, was high and wanted to chat haha. I am glad though, cause even after researching a good bit, I didn't find anything about adding dirt to remove chloramines, so I'm happy to learn that. I did read that humic acid also works well.