Child predator gets busted

It doesn't prove anything

It shows more evidence of the connection between who the people are who are accusing me of being some kind of rapist

I think it's kind of weird the only people making these accusations all reside within the little clique they've created behind the scenes. Surely the victims would come forward disclosing my horrible behavior! Wouldn't they?

Again, I've been around since 2006, if I'm a rapist, or if I've ever "insulted or threatened" anybody, PLEASE, post it here! How many times does a guy have to ask for the evidence against him?

Tyler liked that post, he in it too?
I stand by that 100%

Allow me to be more blunt; Anyone who espouses creationism in a professional or academic setting shouldn't be allowed to educate others because they're unable to discern fiction from reality
Just heading out to work, Pada, but I'll say this first.

You thought I posted as part of a swarm that goes around stinging you. I'm not, and I don't see the same swarm. You went so far as to post my profile that had messages from some people that you think are a swarm. There were other people who had nice things to say on my profile, but you didn't show them in the pic. Those people say nice things because I have nice things to say to them, simple as that. Besides, my post had nothing to do with the theme that was presenting itself, my contribution was ss/p related (though, I do remember a thread where you and Annie had a good talk about it).

Your purely scientific worldview didn't stop you from making a huge assumption, and that's too bad.

I'm not out to 'get' you, I hope you get that.
I'm not trying to stoke the fire here, but I think that's a risky way to roll.

It implies that any women, or indeed ALL women regardless of circumstance, are better equipped to understand the psychological, emotional, or physical effects of physical or sexual abuse against women than ANY man. Is this a fair statement?

So could we extrapolate that to say "my sister has a deeper understanding of how rape affects women than, say, a leading male psychologist working for the WHO and therefore can/should reject all of his opinions on the matter?" That statement would be invalid, I can assure you.

Gender, race, religion, or creed doesn't supersede knowledge, in my view.

This invites such thinking as "a Christian, all Christians, are better versed in the matters of the history of Jesus Christ than ANY non-Christian" which, again, is invalid.

I don't understand what you are saying.

Is it wrong to say a woman who has been raped or beaten will understand it better most people?

When looking for information on the subject of rape/beatings, shouldn't you listen to those who have experienced it?
I don't understand what you are saying.
Is it wrong to say a woman who has been raped or beaten will understand it better most people?

No, I don't think it's wrong to say that. I misunderstood you earlier - I didn't realize the debate was had with women who themselves were subjected to sexual or physical abuse. My sincere apologies.

When looking for information on the subject of rape/beatings, shouldn't you listen to those who have experienced it?

Certainly - I would. But I wouldn't necessarily begin and end my research with the victims.

Give it to me. Let me test it. Let everybody see it for themselves!

This is how science is done

You did it? Show me!

You proved it? Post it, let me do the calculations myself!

You disproved it?... Let's see it!

I can't test your 'maybe'. Your 'maybe' is useless to me. Give me your 'YES!', show me your 'NOW!'. I'm not interested in your "could be's" or your "look's like's"

Fuck that! Fuck you!

Give me something I can test. If I can't test it, don't bring it. Because it's not science, it's bullshit. And bullshit doesn't fly
Does an insult include saying "fuck you" to someone ?

Give it to me. Let me test it. Let everybody see it for themselves!

This is how science is done

You did it? Show me!

You proved it? Post it, let me do the calculations myself!

You disproved it?... Let's see it!

I can't test your 'maybe'. Your 'maybe' is useless to me. Give me your 'YES!', show me your 'NOW!'. I'm not interested in your "could be's" or your "look's like's"

Fuck that! Fuck you!

Give me something I can test. If I can't test it, don't bring it. Because it's not science, it's bullshit. And bullshit doesn't fly

Every post you made that was more offensive than what you said to Winterwoman has been removed because those posts violated TOS. Therefore your demand for us to post the evidence is an attempt to entrap us in a violation of TOS. This constitutes a neatly-defended fortress of the kind of intellectual dishonesty that harms a scientific approach.

This is why you can beg the question demanding "evidence!" with impunity. You set it up as a win-win. Should we not have the posts to reproduce, "they are lying". Should we repost them, BAM violation of TOS.

There can be no science in the presence of such comprehensive destruction of the data.

Science is simply a tool we use to explain the world, it doesn't (and can't) "want" anything

Anyone who espouses creationism in a professional or academic setting should be destroyed, just like anyone who denied the holocaust

This is a plain example of the sort of prejudicial bias on ideological grounds that is the anathema of science.

I won this argument the day you called me an asshole on this thread. I didn't quote it, and now I am not finding your saying so. It was deleted. This is exactly the sort of systematic data distortion in which I have seen you engage, and that makes finding the truth here a lost cause - while you shout about evidence and science! That is hypocrisy.

In the academic setting in which I earned my degrees, sorting and vetting the data is THE cardinal sin. We throw those liars out summarily.
You are invoking science while doing violence to the method. So the proper form of address to me from you is DOCTOR Asshole.

It doesn't prove anything

It shows more evidence of the connection between who the people are who are accusing me of being some kind of rapist

I think it's kind of weird the only people making these accusations all reside within the little clique they've created behind the scenes. Surely the victims would come forward disclosing my horrible behavior! Wouldn't they?

Again, I've been around since 2006, if I'm a rapist, or if I've ever "insulted or threatened" anybody, PLEASE, post it here! How many times does a guy have to ask for the evidence against him?

The victims know perfectly well the evidence is gone. The brave ones who said "I remember" despite that fact have received the same dishonest disparaging treatment from you. Keep telling the Big Lie. It is working, as the Likes attest.
I'm sure the most damning evidence has long been deleted in the heat of the battles. The question to then ask yourself is; knowing what you know of the character of Cannabineer, Curious2Garden, Clayton Bigsby, and myself, why would we continue this crusade if not for the pursuit of truth and justice. Have you ever known any of us to be anything other than genuine when it comes to real life? Unsubscribed.
I appreciate your reasoned responses ;) I want to learn all I can about this issue, so when people post a link to a post regarding it, I've read the entire thread. For the posts and thread you've linked to above, it seems he was asking the forum at large for three general pieces of info regarding real estate they own. He wasn't asking for personal specific info of any one member, and many members freely posted the answers he was looking for. It seems that you read that as, 'I want personal info on you and other members so I can use it against them irl'. That's quite a leap from what was actually asked, and likely fueled from past negative altercations with Pad that I'm not privy to...

You're referring to his general question of how he would go about getting someone's personal info, I can't see how that was aimed at any specific member. Do you feel it was aimed at you because of your relatively close proximity to each other? I'm not at all attempting to be obtuse in regard to these issues, I just cannot see what you are perceiving from the text you are pointing to...

Lol. Yes, that response was a head shaker. It seems unsympathetic and callous, no doubt. No argument there. I like and respect you, your mind is one of the finest on this board. Thank you for patiently attempting to show me what you see, it worked on this winterwoman response.

Pad and I go way back when I first got to RIU, when he was a mod in S&S&P. At that time, I only hung out there and then the Science/Tech section when that was created a couple of years later. Besides his intelligence, training in critical thought, and vast theological knowledge, what impressed me about Pad was his sincerity and his willingness to be so vulnerable. He would admit his social and sexual challenges so openly, he struck me as a brave man with a good deal of strength, especially for his young age. As the heavies that held up that subforum left one by one for various reasons, that board fell apart and its quality quickly declined and I lost interest. That's when I came over to TNT, a little over a year ago. Pad went to politics (a subject I have almost zero interest in), and we lost touch for the most part. I wanted to give a little background info to illustrate why I think the way I do about him. I got to know him well through thousands of posts and PMs back and forth over years, so when others accuse him of being so opposite of the man I knew I naturally need to see some hard evidence of such to sway my belief. If the hard evidence is now deleted, I'm in somewhat of a quandary. I respect you guys, and I also respect him. From my perspective it's similar to those that proffer conspiracy theory: they just KNOW there's a conspiracy and have seen the evidence first hand, but they cannot show it to others because 'they' have deleted it. Now the lack of evidence of the conspiracy is evidence for the conspiracy. My mind is open, and I value truth above loyalty or friendship. But lacking actual proof (at least at this juncture), yes we have to agree to disagree. I'm okay with that, I hope you guys are, too...

This is where I get sad and lost on this. I adore these respected RIU members. Canna. Flaming. Curious. Clayton. Neo. Those are people I truly admire and love conversing with...legitimately some of my favorite RIU members. But I didn't see the same things you did, and I don't want to persecute someone who has also been someone I've respected in the past. I haven't been on for a while, and when I am it's on again and off again, so i'll admit that it's completely possible for me to just have missed it all and it all to have actually been there and now deleted. That being said, it just doesn't feel right without having seen it myself. I do see Pada as someone who thinks differently and certainly expresses himself differently, but i'm not sure what i'm seeing is a rapist. It's a pretty serious accusation, and I would hate to unjustly label someone with that title. And i'm not saying that you guys aren't justified, i'm just saying I don't know.

I wish you guys weren't fighting. That's all.
This is where I get sad and lost on this. I adore these respected RIU members. Canna. Flaming. Curious. Clayton. Neo. Those are people I truly admire and love conversing with...legitimately some of my favorite RIU members. But I didn't see the same things you did, and I don't want to persecute someone who has also been someone I've respected in the past. I haven't been on for a while, and when I am it's on again and off again, so i'll admit that it's completely possible for me to just have missed it all and it all to have actually been there and now deleted. That being said, it just doesn't feel right without having seen it myself. I do see Pada as someone who thinks differently and certainly expresses himself differently, but i'm not sure what i'm seeing is a rapist. It's a pretty serious accusation, and I would hate to unjustly label someone with that title. And i'm not saying that you guys aren't justified, i'm just saying I don't know.

I wish you guys weren't fighting. That's all.
i dont get it either.. so im staying out of this one
This is where I get sad and lost on this. I adore these respected RIU members. Canna. Flaming. Curious. Clayton. Neo. Those are people I truly admire and love conversing with...legitimately some of my favorite RIU members. But I didn't see the same things you did, and I don't want to persecute someone who has also been someone I've respected in the past. I haven't been on for a while, and when I am it's on again and off again, so i'll admit that it's completely possible for me to just have missed it all and it all to have actually been there and now deleted. That being said, it just doesn't feel right without having seen it myself. I do see Pada as someone who thinks differently and certainly expresses himself differently, but i'm not sure what i'm seeing is a rapist. It's a pretty serious accusation, and I would hate to unjustly label someone with that title. And i'm not saying that you guys aren't justified, i'm just saying I don't know.

I wish you guys weren't fighting. That's all.

It's always hardest on the kids when the parents fight. It's not your fault, RB, we still love you ;)
You didn't see Hitler kill all them fucking Jews but you still believe it right!

@cannabineer how you like that for a Godwin.
But Neo, if this was you being called a rapist, especially by respected members, and no one could provide any evidence...I just wouldn't be able to call you that.

And that's just about the rapist part. I mean, I do understand that he has come off as a bit of an ass...and the fuck you to Canna kind of made the hair on the back of my neck stand up a bit...but the rapist part I am just unsure. I feel like...when I first came to RIU he was one of the people who did guide me a bit, and I haven't personally had any issues with Pada, so it just doesn't feel right for me to call him a sexual predator.

*Sob* I want to go live with grandma, even if srh is staying with you guys.