my children don't live at home cus they are 28 and 27 yrs old. legal or not smokin dope w/ your 2 yr old is hardly a good parent!!!
Im legal
Whats wrong with weed dude.....I dont hide anything from my kids.....Im legal so I dont see your point........Im sorry you quit when it came to your kids...that is your loss. Dont hate on me and come bangin on my door just because you quit...
but ya wont drop the pot, even though its in your son's best interest?? You should know this from experience by now. Legal? So you back hurts, and you need some weed. Ha, the fucking doctor's make up problems for you if you dont have any yourself. Im a medi patient, I know how that game works.. Its not medicine for anyone, you know that. You sons going to have an interest in what your doing. When he's old enough to realize what it is, he's going to try it him self. Theres nothing that you can do, becasue its legal. He's doomed. If people think pot is totally fine, everyone can smoke it without having problems with it, your wrong. When I got a DUI of marijuana, It changed my view on things. Marijuana is a drug, believe it or not. It effects everyone differentl. You going to be putting it in your sons head that weed is totally fine. Most stoners arnt totally fine. They just think they are.I will drop everything in the world when it comes to my kids![]()
well zeke is an idiot legal or not!! i included drinking numb nuts, read my other post not just the last!!!! i don't care how legal you are, try telling the judge you smoke mj if your (legal). how much you want to bet she gets the kid!!!!!!!!!!!
hotandsexy your brainwashed by this forum and you're dumb enough to show it w/ that elite tag!!! i laugh at all you elite dumbasses!!!!!! waste of money
but I was pointing out that its perfectly legal to have a beer or three, but not smoke weed.Being drunk is way worse than being stoned around kids.Now instead of being a negative Nancy and posting basically the same thing over and over again, why not go to another thread if you have nothing new to offer? Seems like you're just looking for a fight.
So you feel that any parent that smokes with children living under their roof is
a bad person/parent? That would probably make 85% of this board a bad person.
For a person with grandkids, your verbal skills certainly aren't what they could be.Quit attacking everyone who doesn't agree with you.
I dont agree stoney. This world has grown up on trying to make drugs sociable and Ok, in moderation. Now people are trying the same with marijuana. BUT ITS NOTTT FUCKING OK, WHAT SO EVER
I dont agree stoney. This world has grown up on trying to make drugs sociable and Ok, in moderation. Now people are trying the same with marijuana. BUT ITS NOTTT FUCKING OK, WHAT SO EVER
I think it makes a terrible parent. Abusing any substance while parenting sets your kids up for failure. Unless they are smarter than you, and stay away.
I dont see anyone older than 20 writing this.... grandpa my asssay you get a knock on the door from the popo!! i love weed dude, yep i'm breaking the law but i don't have kids in my house either
Stoney that was perfectly said!