Chicken wire, netting, ect..


Well-Known Member
I was going to use fishing line to keep deer away from my plots, but seeing how there is alot more than just deer in the woods, figured chicken wire or deer netting would be better.

When you fence your plants in with say a 4-5 ft chicken wire fence, how do you get in to water them? Cut the fence and Make a door? I thought maybe cut the chicken wire all the way down and attach a log, 2x4, whatever to each section and latch it top and bottom.

Or cut a section large enough to gain entrance, then tie the fence back together when done?

Is this the way or am I overlooking a much easier way?

Also i can get plastic sheeting at work. It's about 4-4 1/2 feet high, and it's the kind that you put around windows in the winter. I don't know if it would work, but I could put post around the plot, then wrap the plastic around the perimeter a few times. Leave about 2 feet open and put wire there for a door. Stack logs around the inside about a foot high in case a small animal tried chewing through the bottom. Also bury it about 6" in the ground.

Think that may work? Wondering because I can get the plastic free, and it wouldn't be hard to do.


Well-Known Member
the deer wont go near it if you mark your territory. no joke, piss around the perimeter and theyll keep away bro


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was going to fill some 2l bottles to keep in supply out there for when I don't have to "go". There's also raccoons, rabbits, and other critters out there. Would it work for them to.

Last year I lost about 20 good plants to some small animals. Deer only got 2 or 3 of them.


Well-Known Member
May have to follow my dogs around. Bag up some pit poop, and drop it around the area. These dogs are poop factories for sure. Hard to believe that I could actually be glad to pick it up though. If it would help though, I would be happy every time they went. Could probley fill a plastic sack per month.

Think this would help against rodents and deer alike?


Well-Known Member
I know human piss, and hair keeps deers away.

Not sure about other rodents... raccoons arent scared of anything, they are badasses.

Perhaps make some kind of trap for raccoons? Not saying killing them... but trap them and relocate them far away?
yes human piss does keep animals and preditors away....but what is going to keep passers by away...what if they stumble across my crops...what then...should i bash em over the head with my spade...any suggestions please help...????!!!!:roll:


Well-Known Member
i know coyote piss will keep raccoons and most things away:twisted: you can buy it ready to go too.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Just pick a spot where there are no people. If you don't have accces to a site like this, then you just have to make sure that you hide them well. Really you should hide them well anyhow.

Now back to what this thread is about.

I've heard of coyote and wolf piss. Trying not to buy much, other than some perlite, and nutes. I will keep it in mind though. There's still about 2 months before the outdoor season begins here so I have some time. Just want to have everything figured out and ready to go so I don't lose and valuable time getting these babies going.


Well-Known Member
Just pick a spot where there are no people. If you don't have accces to a site like this, then you just have to make sure that you hide them well. Really you should hide them well anyhow.

Now back to what this thread is about.

I've heard of coyote and wolf piss. Trying not to buy much, other than some perlite, and nutes. I will keep it in mind though. There's still about 2 months before the outdoor season begins here so I have some time. Just want to have everything figured out and ready to go so I don't lose and valuable time getting these babies going.
or just toss pounds of food scraps 100 feet from your grow and they will stay occupied with that:mrgreen:


Active Member
Hate to tell you but piss doesn't keep deer away from your plants. I live in the boondocks & piss off my deck more than inside. I have a bird feeder right off my deck & the deer come every night to eat seed that has dropped to the ground. Also when they pump septic tanks around here they spread it on farmers fields for fertilizer & it doesn't faze the deer. Deer will eat the whole plant, rabbits chew the stalks off, raccoons do nothing & nothing will touch them once they start to bud... except thieves & cops.


Well-Known Member
What part of the country are you in, or are you not in the us? I think it really depends on the deer population and what the food supply is for them. Some places nothing short of a cage will keep them away.

Last time I grew outdoors I pissed around some of the plants. A few of them I only did it once. Those got eaten by some kind of rodents a couple weeks later. Others I didn't do it at all, and those got eaten by a mix of rodents and deer. One of the plants I did it about 2 times a week, and it never got touched by anything. I don't really want to rely on just that this time though as I'm using a different area, and wan't a few different remedies in my arsenal.

I think I will try to empty bottles of piss each week when I go out, and put small piles of dog shit around the perimeter. Throw in some mouse traps, and maybe decon for the ants/bugs. I would try some poison for the mice, but I won't be using any because it's too likely that the deer of other wildlife may eat it, and I don't want to kill them. They're only trying to survive by doing what they know. I'll be cutting the tops, and bottoms from some 2L pop bottles as well to sink in the ground aroung each plant till they get to about till they get around 6" tall. This should help to at lest give them a fighting chance.

These are the main things I have planned as of now, plus possibley some fishing wire, and any other low/no cost options that I can find. Trying to keep this a close to free as possible this run. Later after I get some more experience, I'll have no problem investing in some better options.

Had to chose a different spot to grow, but luckly I know of a few. The other spot could only be accessed at night. Although I know the land, and my way around it, I don't feel like making my way through 80 acres of dark woods alone. It really sucks when you can't trust anyone to help you out.

The new spot will cut my time in half though when it comes to planting and tending, which is a huge plus for me since I don't have much time to be out there. There is also spots to hide my vehicle during the daytime, where the other spot there was not. I will have to be more carefull at watering though because the pond were I will get my water is not too far from the road. I'll just bring my pole and tackle box with me as to not look suspicious in the unlikely event that I am seen out there.

raccoons arent scared of anything, they are badasses.
This reminds me of how I used to have pet raccoons. Maybe someday I'll get another and teach him that my plants are sacred, and he'll tell all the others to leave them alone and they'll take care of any other pest that come


Active Member
i am new to growing pot but ive got some good plants right now and i think i have a great idea for my outdoor grow site. not to far away in the tree line were i live is an old dump it has some old 55 gal drums just lying around with weeds and briar bushes every where does anyone think if i put the plants in the drums and around them anyone would find them?


Well-Known Member
Whether or not someone would find them depends on if people go through the area. If they do I wouldn't mess with it. I would also use a pot or bag rather than putting soil in the drums. Never know what was in the drum and if it may hurt your babies.

If the spot is visible to anyone (like from a road, ect..) you'd have to make sure they're camo'd to avoid detection.


Well-Known Member
ok so we have praying mantis's to take care of mites and other anphids... now what animal can we use that feeds on wild raccoons?

EURIEKA!!!!!! a lion!


Well-Known Member
EURIEKA!!!!!! a lion!
lol! My g/f has a cat that sounds nothing like a cat when it meows, more like a baby cougar or something, realy wierd. Maybe tie him up out there, I'd have to go get him from her parents house though. There are no cats allowed in my house, can't stand em.

This cat will attack large animals, but won't eat a mouse, only play with it between his paws.:roll:

Have a question about the 2L bottles to surround the plants with. I have some clear ones like pepsi and coke bottles, but will tinted ones be ok, like mt dew bottles. We drink mainly pepsi and mt dew here, but more dew than anything. Since there tinted green, i'm not sure if this will have a negative effect on the light transfer.

The bottles will be cut just below the neck, to allow rain to enter well, yet be too snall for an animal to fit it's face in there. The bottoms are to be cut just above the "ridges" so they will shove easily into the soil.

On a side note, anyone here have pitbull's? Mine seem to like to sit down next to me and It's the kind of farts that actually make the air around you feel heavy.:spew:


Well-Known Member

The spot I had picked out just fell through. Damn, it was perfect too. I drove out that way tonight to scope it out, and I see that someone has blocked the entrance with about 3 tree trunks.

Good thing I had a backup. Actually the backup is probley a better spot anyhow. More cover, vehicle can be totally hiden while I'm there, and less traffic on the road it's off of. Also alot more space to work with while not straying too far from water. Only downside is that it's a slighty longer walk to water, but not more than 5-10 min round trip with 5 gal buckets. Nice that nobody ever goes there, ever.


Well-Known Member
I want to try that too, but I heard it will attract rats and bugs. Any truth to this?

Thought about tying some rope aroung the tops of some bottles and leaving them in the water (lake) then just pull them out and cap them, and carry them to the plants. Already be filled when I get there.

Purpy Longstockings

Active Member
On a side note, anyone here have pitbull's? Mine seem to like to sit down next to me and It's the kind of farts that actually make the air around you feel heavy.:spew:
Yeah, I feel you....for a while I wondered if they do that shit on purpose! My male used to fart louder and more often than anyone else in the house.....just the smell alone would wake you out of a dead sleep. Every pit owner I know has the same problem...

one of my boys had one (male) who used to "back his ass up" to things and shit on them.....swings, bushes, FLOWER POTS, his son's tricycle....he would get so pissed......i gotta go finish this little fit of laughter im havin right now...:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
At least his farts were loud. Mine are all silent so there's no preparing for it. Every once in awhile damien will let a little hiss. Of course afterwards, he'll immediately look at me to see if I noticed. Kane on the hand is straight silent and deadly.