Chicken or the egg??


Active Member
No sex showing, switching to 12/12 @ midnight.... i'm using shultz plant food (10-15-10) for veg and I have shultz bloom builder (10-54-10) for flowering.... should I wait till flowers show before I use the bloom builder?? or should I stop using the plant food now and switch to bloom builder???


Well-Known Member
I would wait until they show sex to give em bloom nutes about 2 weeks

my current took 13 days, that 10-54-10 could slow down your push

PS push is when they get 2 to 3 times bigger after you flip to 12/12

Active Member
Switching formulas is not a black and white situation....Plants still need N during flowering. It's not like, "Oh. Today I am going to switch to 12/12. Better stop with the N and bring in the P". I know I've said this on posts before but I'll say it again as a basic rule of thumb:

-High N during Veg and first 14 days of flowering.
-Half N and half P during flowering (advanced growers can read their plant and make adjustments as needed).
-High P during the last two weeks and no N.

Of course, this is a rule of thumb. What you can do proactively is look at the plant and if it's starting to look sick then get back on here and post some pictures for assistance. There is only so much a plant needs and it shouldn't be too hard to diagnose your problem if you have any.

I hope this helps you.

In the mean time, maybe you and help me:

Happy New Year, Everyone!
