and once again I admitted that I was childish and immature.
so what?????
I also admitted to having mental disorders and being childish.
Seriously I'm not hurting anyone. If you wanna get me 'go ahead take your best shot'
'make my dayyyyyyy'
AGAIN!!!!! This thread was meant to be a joke and sorry mattao but I did not notice you were joking and after reading DOTS comments thought you were just jumping on the bandwagon.
Geez guys. Lighten up. Have a toke. Or did ya run out or something?
Just trying to have some fun wif ya is all.
i usually am a very light easy going person but with some of the comments you made it really got my back did some of my comment towards you im not going to have a shot because thats not the type of person i am, i said my 2c and your comment simply jacked me off....all good now on my side of the fence though as i can see everyone here is a good person.
ps. i just have a pet hate for childish comments, now i see thats just who you are i can deal with it or learn to deal with(just have to remember for future)

plus im having my man period...
anyway i don't like arguing i'd rather smoke pot and chill
apologies if i did offend anyone with my treat em comment

it just suits the girls in OZ there bloody tough and like the roughness lol