Chicago Radical

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
Holla. Any side of Chicago or Nearby subs....Newbie, but fairly confident.

Love chicago...But marijuana here...I'm going to go ahead a say it...Sucks. After visitin Fl and cali that is. Plus , growing when the ground is frozen 5 months out the year blows for your cultivators.

So yeah.. Planning to make some joyful smoke.
Welcome FF,

From the burbs.

Your right about the weed here.

Keep your head low. Lots of bullets fying around Chicago these days.

you know. I almost started a company called freedom fighter. decided on somthing else though.
hey there,
I recently moved to Chicago from Florida. No luck finding nugs, just crappy regs. SAD.
I cant wait to make some friends
hey there,
I recently moved to Chicago from Florida. No luck finding nugs, just crappy regs. SAD.
I cant wait to make some friends

good luck my friend, your better off growing your own....... although the quality has gone back up recently. at least it has from my dealer :mrgreen:
fisherman are you a cop or in anyway affiliated with any police department or government agency? Just wondering because you pretty much posted the exact same thing in this thread that you did in my other about chicago, right after the other.

Paranoid and Stoned.
no bro, fuck the police, no affiliation.
this is my first time on a forum. still trying to figure it out.
sorry about that.
I was going to make a joke about how working for the goverment, last week they introduced us to google, but then I realized that that might freak people out. So no I have no government affiliation.
I was going to make a joke about how working for the goverment, last week they introduced us to google, but then I realized that that might freak people out. So no I have no government affiliation.

hahahahahahahaha................ i wouldn't be surprised if our stupid ass government just found out about google.