Chewberto's Secret Garden....

Kramer Chids

Active Member
Huh, white trash inbreds. I just caught the trailer. I think I need to watch that movie although it looks just slightly messed up.


Well-Known Member
It's a movie you will feel guilty about watching! But then it becomes the funniest shit! "Nothing new to trash like you"

chef c

Well-Known Member
That's a badass bend there chewy. I'm always amazed at how they come back from a bend in a day and just keep trucking like "what?"


Well-Known Member
That's a badass bend there chewy. I'm always amazed at how they come back from a bend in a day and just keep trucking like "what?"
They are awesome plants! I did a heavy bend on this about a week and a half ago I think! It slowly creeping upward but still producing fat!

Kramer Chids

Active Member
Thanks for posting that pic, Chewberto. Without posts like that us shut-in internet types wouldn't ever learn a thing. Now back to making sure my skin stays a nice shade of gray and my internet connection is fast enough....


Well-Known Member
I'm glad someone finally asked what your avatar pic was about... makes me want to spew... I try not to look at it lol.

thats meant as a compliment...


Well-Known Member
I also have been reading about the genetics of Gods Gift some of you may know i have been looking for it wink wink! A lot of people are saying OGKxGDP, which is possible, but as i recall the flavor it was more lavender sweet and the exhaled smoke filled room was like incense not any kinda of cannabis smoke! can anyone gimme low down?


Well-Known Member
Damn you guys! Great work! These awesome grow threads on the CO forums really have me back into reading here at RIU and enjoying the heck out of it. I am looking though this grow and Bubbaginers grow today and digging it. Chewberto I have 4k in flower and looooove it. Can't wait to see you rock that :)