Cherry Lola’s Updates

Update on outdoor in Scotland.
First set of plants that went in on full flower now, the tallest must be a meter from soil to top, we have purple on one, and some nice looking plants. Bugs have been about!AADCF744-D24B-4389-89D6-32A7749A15E6.jpegFD15FF48-9563-452B-9394-C295494092F6.jpeg0DDE1EC1-7B47-427C-9200-1CA227E4B1CA.jpeg2C137537-7B58-4700-9E50-A3F35A765CAC.jpeg918C5382-9346-47EB-965C-AC0CE5E4D50D.jpeg1958C84F-0528-4D0A-A4A3-B5E69C3B761C.jpeg879589C3-2AEC-44E7-910E-BEE466E0EB39.jpeg
Ones I planted later coming along now too. EA46EDDC-1A34-417F-B8CA-DF9BFB4980AB.jpegD29CA608-7636-4629-ADB3-54B251F6D4F9.jpeg
The photoperiod is a monster bush.383E6869-7C3E-4F80-B3D3-46FA787E7178.jpeg
Somehow never replied to you, sorry my g.
Where about you from? We can’t change the weather. We can just hope lol.
hey, from southern Germany... but this year, feels strange, just rainy rain rain... BTW be careful with photos showing your naked tips -> may reveal your ID, the cops can read this out and store for future misuse...

BTW you have quite a beatiful collection of purpling strains... some purple the whole plantus, some only the flowers.... but can you observe a tendency that these strains also get these purple stripes at their stems more often... or not? Because I wonder, if there is a connection, or not..?
hey, from southern Germany... but this year, feels strange, just rainy rain rain... BTW be careful with photos showing your naked tips -> may reveal your ID, the cops can read this out and store for future misuse...

BTW you have quite a beatiful collection of purpling strains... some purple the whole plantus, some only the flowers.... but can you observe a tendency that these strains also get these purple stripes at their stems more often... or not? Because I wonder, if there is a connection, or not..?
Yeah been terrible summer. Too much rain. What you mean photos showing naked tips?? Lol sorry don’t understand. No the purple strains outdoors have no purple stems from what I can remember, I will check next time. Pray for sunshine!
And I have only used neem oil once on them, so I reckon there are plenty of bugs around! Not used any bug protection / pesticides all natural.. Definitely had fungus gnats first few weeks but rain seems to have knocked them off.
Yeah been terrible summer. Too much rain. What you mean photos showing naked tips?? Lol sorry don’t understand. No the purple strains outdoors have no purple stems from what I can remember, I will check next time.
LMAO yeah sorry ment these fingertips ("fingerprints"!!) my bad :D

And I have only used neem oil once on them, so I reckon there are plenty of bugs around! Not used any bug protection / pesticides all natural.. Definitely had fungus gnats first few weeks but rain seems to have knocked them off.
wasn't refering to outdoor this case, as in outdoors, you'll always have some loss from flying insects and such... but it's ok, most weather or predators take a chunk of control of...

but indoors these spots ... well, something to keep an eye at it, so to speak :D
LMAO yeah sorry ment these fingertips ("fingerprints"!!) my bad :D

wasn't refering to outdoor this case, as in outdoors, you'll always have some loss from flying insects and such... but it's ok, most weather or predators take a chunk of control of...

but indoors these spots ... well, something to keep an eye at it, so to speak :D
Sorry yeah understand you now. Haha
Yeah I think the spots were from either old feed that was open too long. Past sell by date, or I over fed them when they were still seedlings. I couldn’t work out exactly what caused the spots, but I checked for bugs all over every plant and none indoors! Was something I done wrong with watering/feeding I think. No spots on any new growth, so think it’s old issue now.
Thanks for noticing it, it’s good to have extra eyes.
And I have only used neem oil once on them, so I reckon there are plenty of bugs around! Not used any bug protection / pesticides all natural.. Definitely had fungus gnats first few weeks but rain seems to have knocked them off.
i would give pyrethrum a go tbh, ive done it in flowering. with the amount of showers we've got, it will wash it anyway
btw some of these dots @ lower leaves look suspiciously like Thripse-caused, what are the sticky traps speaking?
I should have listened better to you. I found thrips today on the lowers of a plant, just blasted them all with neem oil and soap. First time I’ve ever had a bug indoors in 4/5 years of growing. I obviously didn’t check good enough. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully get these suckers gone.
@cheetah2007 think pyrethrum might be a order now for indoor tho. Nightmare. Not flipping tent to flower untill these tiny fuckers are gone. 2 in the picture so hard to spot. DFBFCAAE-C397-4FFE-B857-CB8EAD51C31F.jpeg
Chopped a few of the early outdoors. Lost a few to mold, few still flowering nearing the end, few just starting to flower now. Learned a lot from this first outdoor grow, never thought I’d even harvest anything worth smoking but looking like I’ve proved myself wrong.


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