Chems vs Micro Herd?


Active Member
I recently found out that chemical fertilizers kill the micro herd in your soil, now i could really use your help on a couple questions about this! :confused:

I'm growin guerilla style this season, all regular plants are in the ground and soon i'm gonna germinate some auto's and plant them in the same spot. For all of these i made a soil mix includin blood/bone meal and worm castings and i was plannin on usin the canna terra line.

Will these chems mess up the micro herd and will all of the organics be a waste?
And do all the nutes in the native soil need this micro herd too?

So that if i used these chemical canna products, the only thing feeding them would be those products itself, and all of the nutes in the native soil/soil mix would be wasted?

I put the plants in the ground in stead of pots/bags in the ground for gettin a bigger yield and thats why i decided to go for chems for flowerin too, but if plants in the ground get a better yield on organics, i'll certainly go organics.

+REP for some input and thanks in advance! :peace:


Active Member
im pretty much a noob so i dont know much about this, but i dont think chemical nutes will kill the microbes in the soil, but it certainly wont help them. using organic nutes helps support the mini ecosystem in the dirt. heres some links i found: <<<not speciffically about weed

most people seem to think its a bad idea. good luck :joint:


Active Member
Thanks! Some really helpful links, great reply

I can only get to my spot about once a week, i guess that too should push me towards organics?


Active Member
there are chemical nutes you can mix into the soil before planting, and they are activated by water. but there are also many other organics that can be added to the soil and do the same thing. since you already have an organic soil mix, i would stick with organic nutes for flowering.


Active Member
Yea only problem is I already fed my plants usin chems once, didnt check on them since then but i guess in the end it will have caused more harm to the plant than good.. Anything i can do to minimize this? I'll start searchin for some sort of product to get the microorganisms back on their feet. I'm also gonna start lookin around for some info on BioCanna and how organic it actually is.

Anyone with soem extra input, feel free to post :D


Active Member
Thanks again! But I'm from belgium, so no home depot. I live about an hour's drive from holland though so I got acces to the european grow market. I'm gettin more and more of an idea how chems affect the micros, now i'm just wonderin what gives the biggest yields outdoor with plants in the ground (not pots or bags), chems/biological nutes from nute companies like biocanna/real organic (meals/manures). Cant seem to find any decent info about this.. Indoor and in pots outdoor it's so obvious and there are thousands of threads on the subject, chems : yield <-> organic : flavour/mother nature... But in the ground you got much less control about all different types of nutes feeding your plant and i didnt run into any info comin from someone who grew plants in the ground. I might start a new topic about this, cause i really need some answers on this. I'm in the middle of my exams and I'm thinkin and googlin way too much about this :-?
