Chemical Trails????


Well-Known Member
Though I'm surprised you haven't mentioned the Bill being forwarded by Kucinich as proof of this, at least not that I've seen...

Though there is a problem with relying on a politician, and that is given enough people talking about something to him directly it is possible that a politician will confuse the lie told to him repeatedly with the truth.


Well-Known Member
If you took a cow up in the air and it farted, would it leave a chem trail?
Yes, a green one, and it'd disperse and appear to hang in the air for hours even as it slowly dropped to ground level.

Actually, I think it'd rise, so it'd appear smaller and smaller, Methane (CH4) I think might be lighter than O2, N2 and the other components of the atmosphere.


Well-Known Member
:clap: an explaination......wasn't expecting that....... +rep
Just rudiments of what I remember from highschool Chemistry. All those funky letters and letter combinations made computer programming look easy, so I took that up instead.

To be sure, I'd have to actually look up the atomic weights of the different molecules (H2, N2, O2 and CH4) and determine if Methane would in fact be lighter than O2 and N2.


Well-Known Member
They change rather drastically, and I've already posted enough comments to the contrary of your rather ridiculous conspiracy theories.

If the government wanted to add anything to the environment to effect people they have control of the water supply. Some federal regulation could easily be passed (hidden amidst all the pork) along with a totally unrelated bill.

oh my gosh, another stupid "they're poisoning us" thread. con-trails, prop wash, what have you, it's nothing that is "being done" to us. you wanna worry about something? worry about global warming.

Yes, they do change drastically. This is another reason why a 2-3 mile line of "vapor" shouldnt be visible from the ground as a thick, constant cloud sitting for Hours.

Where did I say the government is trying to control us or dose us with chemicals?

I said if anything it would be tests at seeding clouds to slow global warming.

Why do people always have to shove EVERYTHING in one category and say its all the same. Or say stupid shit like 'Its just a conspiracy theory and no one is trying to control us with chemicals, put on your tin foil hats.'....:rolleyes:

I would say its a conspiracy theory too If I saw someone saying the government is trying to drug us and they are dosing us with crazy chemicals like 'agent orange' or some shit. Even though they actually Did use agent orange in Vietnam, but thats completely off topic.

Where did I say the government is trying to harm us in any way? Read the Thread..



Well-Known Member
Yes, they do change drastically. This is another reason why a 2-3 mile line of "vapor" shouldnt be visible from the ground as a thick, constant cloud sitting for Hours.

Where did I say the government is trying to control us or dose us with chemicals?

I said if anything it would be tests at seeding clouds to slow global warming.

Why do people always have to shove EVERYTHING in one category and say its all the same. Or say stupid shit like 'Its just a conspiracy theory and no one is trying to control us with chemicals, put on your tin foil hats.'....:rolleyes:

I would say its a conspiracy theory too If I saw someone saying the government is trying to drug us and they are dosing us with crazy chemicals like 'agent orange' or some shit. Even though they actually Did use agent orange in Vietnam, but thats completely off topic.

Where did I say the government is trying to harm us in any way? Read the Thread..

Well if they are trying to prevent global warming I can tell you right now that that is going to do considerable damage to us. Let's not forget the cost that last years freeze in Florida and Georgia had. What was it, a couple billion lost due to the damage done to the citrus crops?

Then there was the ice storms in Oklahoma (or Kansas) somewhere down there. I'm sure that did a considerable amount of damage.

Then there's the fact that the farmers are probably not minding the warming. Longer growing season, means that in some places they can now get two crops in, maximize their profits.

Add onto the fact that there are even people who state that it is possible that Global Warming will be a boon, leading to increased agricultural output in other portions of the globe, and opening up new areas to agricultural production.

Frankly, the rise in food prices is getting a little annoying.

So if the government is fucking with the weather, perhaps they should stop...


Well-Known Member
I did Not say a change in altitude would have no affect. I said a small change of a couple thousand feet would not have a noticeable difference. It COULD but it would NOT be a steady, thick line. It wouldnt be nearly as thick or clear and there would be a lot more breaks in the vapor trail.
Do you have any evidence to back up this claim? Logically, if you move from an altitude where the temperature is not sufficient to form contrails to one that is (like in the Memphis Belle video), then there would be a noticeable difference.
Yes, Vapor trails are Just Clouds. My point Exactly. Why do these "vapor clouds" sit in the sky for hours and hours when normal clouds are nowhere to be seen?

On a bright, clear, sunny day, a cloud, or a vapor cloud, should Not be able to sit in the atmosphere for that amount of time.
As I asked before, why do some clouds form thick and persist while others are wispy and dissipate? It's the same reason why contrails behave the same way, all a function of the conditions at a particular altitude.
Why should I continue to explain all of this if you too lazy to look things up? I'm not here to educate you on meteorology and science. All of this information is readily available if you take the time to look.

I will try one more time. Some clouds are wispy and short lived while others are puffy and long lasting. Which type forms is a factor of many things; the height at which the cloud occurs and, along with that, the temperature of the air, as well as the relative humidity, type of vertical motion in the atmosphere, and the type of nuclei that the precipitation might form.

If you have a nice, clear sunny day without a cloud in the sky, you are in a high pressure zone. Natural clouds form when a moist warm front moves in and collides with that cold air forming precipitation as water and ice.
Hot, high moisture exhaust from a plane's engine is doing the exact same thing. It is creating a localized warm front and depending on the temperature and relative humidity, the vapor trail will either be short and wispy or persistent and puffy.


Well-Known Member
Why should I continue to explain all of this if you too lazy to look things up? I'm not here to educate you on meteorology and science. All of this information is readily available if you take the time to look.
I dont know why you keep repeating it man. You ask why you have to explain this. You dont. I already know all about vapor trails and cloud formation... If you dont have any other points to add why do you post the same thing?



Well-Known Member
I dont know why you keep repeating it man. You ask why you have to explain this. You dont. I already know all about vapor trails and cloud formation... If you dont have any other points to add why do you post the same thing?
I was responding directly to you question about why contrails form in a clear, cloudless sky, which obviously you didn't understand otherwise you wouldn't have asked the question. If you already knew the answer why the fuck did you ask it?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Here's what I don't get about this "conspiracy" - whatever mind control what-the-fuck-everyoucallit FUCKING SUCKS!!

If it worked we'd all be wearing the same thing, or listening to the same shit, watching the same shit, buying the same shit.....THE EXACT SAME SHIT..........right? ALL OF US under the trail....all at the exact same time, well not EXACT, but pretty damn close! If it were true imagine the queues for shit????

So, if this conspiracy is real...........It fucking doesn't work worth a shit.

IDK.........maybe its still in beta.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Where did I say the government is trying to control us or dose us with chemicals? Where did I say the government is trying to harm us in any way? Read the Thread..
hey man, the first couple sentences of your post insinuate that there's "something amiss." kind of hinting that it's not "just" exhaust, which it is!!! read the thread.


Well-Known Member
hey man, the first couple sentences of your post insinuate that there's "something amiss." kind of hinting that it's not "just" exhaust, which it is!!! read the thread.
Give up Silky. He also said, "No one ever sees contrails trailing behind a 747.....its always military jets."

which has been shown to be untrue as well, yet he persists to claim there something different about these. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Give up Silky. He also said, "No one ever sees contrails trailing behind a 747.....its always military jets."

which has been shown to be untrue as well, yet he persists to claim there something different about these. :rolleyes:

....Man When was the last time you saw a long, drawn out vapor trail from a commercial airliner. You can pick and choose whatever quotes you want, I also said that the vaportrails form Airliners are ALWAYS soon after after takeoff, or they are descending to land.

Find me a pic of an airliner flying at a steady altitude where a vapor trail randomly starts coming out and lays a 3 mile line that sits for hours......You wont find one because it doesnt happen.

How many times do I have to say No one is Denying Vapor trails....

hey man, the first couple sentences of your post insinuate that there's "something amiss." kind of hinting that it's not "just" exhaust, which it is!!! read the thread.
Insinuate? Are you kidding me? Man Im not saying theres planes dropping chemicals to try and control your minds. Some people are so damn ignorant. Try reading the Whole thread...not just skimming over parts of it.

I heard a Great quote yesterday....

"I wish I could see things from your point of view.....But I can't get my head that far up my ass"

Im not saying they do or dont exist, if it is anything I dont know what it is, I have heard they are seeding clouds to slow global warming.

How can you say your right and Im wrong? Honestly? Are you saying its Impossible there could be a government program that is running tests with weather modification?

Im not so willing to just toss Everything I hear, or see myself out the window as a BS conspiracy theory, its not like Im claiming aliens are dosing you with chemicals to control your minds.



Well-Known Member
....Man When was the last time you saw a long, drawn out vapor trail from a commercial airliner. You can pick and choose whatever quotes you want, I also said that the vaportrails form Airliners are ALWAYS soon after after takeoff, or they are descending to land.

Find me a pic of an airliner flying at a steady altitude where a vapor trail randomly starts coming out and lays a 3 mile line that sits for hours......You wont find one because it doesnt happen.

How many times do I have to say No one is Denying Vapor trails....
How about post 49 and 58?

Want another:


Well-Known Member
Dude, how many times to I gotta say no one is denying vapor trails.

Your just proving my point, Not ONE of those photos shows a plane flying at a steady altitude, they are all ascending, descending, or turning.

Wheres the 3 mile line sitting for hours? Wheres the vapor trail randomly starting from a plane thats already at altitude? Oh wait, they dont exist because it cant happen.

You have any new or useful info, or just the same old crap?

How about post 49 and 58?

Want another:


Well-Known Member
....Man When was the last time you saw a long, drawn out vapor trail from a commercial airliner. You can pick and choose whatever quotes you want, I also said that the vaportrails form Airliners are ALWAYS soon after after takeoff, or they are descending to land.
How many of these pictures do you need to realize these are not planes soon after takeoff or during landing? What about the B-17s in the Memphis Belle video. They were ascending. Here's a commercial B747 flying a steady route with a nice persistent vapor trail.

It seems that we are the only ones supplying evidence. All you seem to do is talk out of your ass. Either put up some facts and evidence or STFU!


Well-Known Member
Obviously nothing will ever convince you Bctrippin, no matter how much evidense is presented to you, your only making yourself look foolish