Chemdog Busted???????

i posted same thing u did state by state laws and u got the wrong state jesus fricken christ I posted the federals from norml
Wth are you talking about??? Huh??? He was under federal investigation and busted by dea! The state can prosecute him as well, usually they don't. Anyway DUDE, I'm speaking from experience one of my closest friends snitched on me to save his ass so #1 I know Wtf I'm talking about #2 I can speak on it cuz its a free country. Maybe I'm missing sonething what was your point? I could give a fuck about dude he's done nothing for me I'm just clearing up the misinformation. People saying dumb shit cuz of ignorance and that's fine cuz i know most people haven't been in that situation nor do they know how the system works. This is not a state case IT'S FEDERAL so the state is irrelevant. On his charges it DOES NOT say the state of Massachusetts or the commonwealth say The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs. Stop misinforming people they start to believe that shit and really be FUCKED if they do get jammed up.
doesnt anyone else watch sons of anarchy, what if the feds knew who he was talking to and dealing with before busting him, then they busted him and let him go intentionally to make it look like a gnark, then they can check out the other people they are watching to see how they change their associations/ with chemdog.

or he could have just rolled over on everyone, but if he did wouldnt they want it to look like he didnt?

one way to catch fish is setup a net, then beat the hell out of the water and catch all the fish that make a run for it.

No doubt, if you dealt with him in person or locally I would probably jump ship and split.
Delete this gossip thread please mods this is total bullshit gossip don't let the cops think they got more than they have... Anyone could have tm'ed chemdog name
Delete this gossip thread because no one has a right to free speech nor a voice to point opinions. Hey Joe...This is a SOCIAL website....crazy thought but ppl gonna talk here, and if you respect individual rights, you respect someones right to say whatever the fuck they wish regardless of consequences :)

What the cops think is always different from what a jury will think. Nothing on this site can be used as evidence...Its heresay,....sheer gossip at best :) So, let ppl talk if they want to....dont be the dictator ( attn mods) and disrespect a humans right to freedom of speech...And if you advent back to terms of service/use and say this topic is in violation that in its self is a VIOLATION of FEDERAL LAW( and a VIOLATION of EVERY PERSONS RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH( ask your lawyers..pre-agreed terms and contracts, such as the terms of use we all agree to be someone owns the imaginary thing we call an internet..... are void in the act of a crime such as violating someones civil rights)....NOW.....we would not want to break civil rights on a site that advocates for civil rights now would we??? Lets do the right thing.....SPEAK YOUR MIND, FREELY!
This is silly to think you would want your name dragged thru the mud? Growing marijuana social site not fuck with someones name site... If you gooGle search this only bullshit hearsay from a buck of know nothings.... Or people making fun of riu to allow this bullshit.... Strange freedom of speech is one thing but silly threads that pertains to nothing about growing weed... If this was your bro would you want them connected? Chemdog rezdog whatever ? No proof exists
dude that got pinched had been under leo's eye for at least 6 months after postal inspectors were opening his packages that contained seeds stashed in t shirts coming in from the u.k. they said he was also a major player in a seed mfg biz so IRS is also involved.H.S./DEA/S.P. had been tracking his on line activity and are now monitoring those places where he sold seeds at and where he was ordering seeds from.dude is looking at 87 years.if I was out on $1000 bond I would already be on my way to Belize.
Wish the guy good luck and wish he gets off with a slap on the wrist.No one should be going to jail for non violent crimes that are victimless.

I don't see anywhere in the articles I've read where they give the bail amount. Also there is no info on all the other bullshit stated above, do you have a link or do you have inside info somehow? I am pretty sure if he was looking at 87 his bail would NOT be 1k. Hell, I was looking at 3 and mine was 30k, no violence, no guns
who fucking cares . . .. .

if its true he has a lawyer and a good one some dont worry chemdog is fine

if it isn't true then it doesn't matter cause it aint true

so . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . gossip on because it doesn't matter
No doubt, if you dealt with him in person or locally I would probably jump ship and split.

Alot of its going to come down to the person. As a general rule though, I got to semi-agree with r1tony here, I might not jump ship, but damn sure believe I would be killing plants and putting the vegetable seeds I keep in their place. And I don't mean throwing them in the trash, if their watching you, their checking your trash. Shred and burn, eat like mad. Watch your surrounding, despite what the movies teach us, their normally not subtle for shit. When they started watching a friend of mine a business across the street starting having its lights on at night, and I saw to marked cops, one in a car, having a conversation and POINTING at his house. (seriously, how fucking slick is that)
This is silly to think you would want your name dragged thru the mud? Growing marijuana social site not fuck with someones name site... If you gooGle search this only bullshit hearsay from a buck of know nothings.... Or people making fun of riu to allow this bullshit.... Strange freedom of speech is one thing but silly threads that pertains to nothing about growing weed... If this was your bro would you want them connected? Chemdog rezdog whatever ? No proof exists

In this business, thats the cost of getting busted. One of the best movers I ever knew, moved 400lb a month, got busted for a small time rookie mistake for a short period, now no one will supply him. You may not think its cool, and none of us would like being in that position, but getting busted makes you a liability. No way around it. People stay clean by being paranoid.
My packages have been getting opened by customs more & more (random online orders)
I've ordered tons of seeds & I just ordered a new set of supplies to grow.
I just had my last 2 items opened - I'm kinda getting scared right now!

Edit: Why I'm saying this is because he was getting seeds confiscated etc. (I've never had that happened but with over 100 seeds being stored...)
My packages have been getting opened by customs more & more (random online orders)
I've ordered tons of seeds & I just ordered a new set of supplies to grow.
I just had my last 2 items opened - I'm kinda getting scared right now!

Edit: Why I'm saying this is because he was getting seeds confiscated etc. (I've never had that happened but with over 100 seeds being stored...)
Troll, go away. this thread should be closed by now.
wow. its sad some people are mad at him only haveing to pay 1000.00 bond. he is accredited in our community for amazing breeding its not like he stole power to do it either for people to get this wondefull herb someone has to grow it. othwerwise the federal government eradicates it.
I have the conclusion to this story. I have been in touch with a reporter that was local and reporting on this case. They all have email addresses on their stories.

He got 3 years hard federal probation and a $300k forfeiture. Not a walk in the park for a first offense, but it could have been a lot worse. He plead guilty but they had him dead to rights. He was sentenced in January.

If anyone cannot google this themselves ask me in private and I can show you a link.

It don't look like he got away with it like someone working with the police would.

I also have a link of the chemdog name being registered.
It's five years automatically fed time for a pistol n drugs. Old laws but with a sales charge n cultivation that's at least a 20k bond. I heard chem likes other drugs too like blow so who knows what's goin down. But it's fishy to me too. Lol on the conspiracy theorists cuz the Feds already have infiltrated places they want like here. So really either a local cop got info and raided or chem was caught up on a sale to a cop. The Feds wouldn't waste their time on him and his 9 lbs maybe the dea but not the FBI, or CIA. So nothing is that deeply done at that level. Most of those cops are lucky to be smart enough to do their jobs, not be 007s. Lol
Wrong. Old news. This will straighten it out for you. This is Chems right hand man

Hey All, I have not been on the comp in a while and figured I would clear a couple things up since I am just now seeing all this BS. Greg is NOT rezdog. Greg is Chemdog. People know the person he received the original chemdog seeds from as chemfather (the dude in cali, think his name is greg too, dont remember much from that Nugs n Jugs)
Greg may have had a little bit of Ego but he deserved it. I am pretty sure someone other than Greg registered the Chemdog name, I believe it was rez or someone he was working with. I do not know how this bs happened wiith greg getting busted I am assuming he was depositing too much into the bank and trying to clean too much too fast.

Also....Greg did not rename the Pbud. He was not given the name originally. Also look at the variety from the seeds... they may be 'similar' but so are many strains...doesnt mean someone purposely renamed something to take the credit... Also... the weed got the name then the grower took the name not the other way around...
What you are all saying is incorrect...Rez is the real asshole, Rez was in Maine, Greg was in Mass.
Should anyone have any questions feel free to contact me. If you are sitting there reading this and saying "Why should I trust anything this guy says?" Well then just do a google search of my online name "orgogliodiprovi"