Chem Dawg Flower, Kryptonite Veg


Well-Known Member
Nice!:-) I look forward to when we can meet up bro! The chemdawg is done?
yes likewise!!! oh and about that... i was about to flower the chemdawg when an issue came up wer the 40 plant Krypto grow 2weeks into flower got busted... i was able to rescue these 6!!! so long story short i strated this thread a few days before my entire operation flipped round. i have 4 about 3 foot vegging at the moment..


Well-Known Member

ok ther i made it lol before 12:00 am haha! beter late then never!

So Kottonmouth Kings15 in all his awsomeness is hooking it up with some seeds of his own breed!!!!!:D will post its genetics tommarow cuz i dnt remember atm... but this strain is called Kotton's Domina. i do have some time before i am able to sprot these little guys, but it will be asap im so stoked!!!! THANKS KMK!!!!!!!!!! MUCH LOVE BROTHER!!!!!


edit: Kotton's Domina is a GDP x Erkle x Cheese crossed with Black Domina bred by KottonmouthKings15 thanks muck bro


Well-Known Member
Hey there NorCal. Those look amazing. I am right there with you on those seeds man. Thanks to KMK and BKB, I have some sweet little beans myself.


Well-Known Member
Plants looking nice NorCal, how much long till chop???


im thinkin bout choppin one or two next saturday at the latest!!! :D probly sooner if they want to... ill watch them and keep everyone updated :)

Hey there NorCal. Those look amazing. I am right there with you on those seeds man. Thanks to KMK and BKB, I have some sweet little beans myself.
thanks fumble, hope all is well with you and yours :) thats whats up! KMK and BKB are hella cool, thes will be my first grow from seed! well marijuana that is.


Well-Known Member
You have exceeded very well in your 1st grow....Take a deep breath and just think it gets better after you chop and cure that fine ass bud!!!! It feels so good to enjoy the fruits of your labor!

How do you plan on drying your bud???




Well-Known Member
Hey BKB, ima be dryin upside down in the room... its the warmest and best ventilated area i got. only down side is the lights i guess. ima go to the swap meet today to try an find a little space heater, then i will be able to set my spare room's closet up for drying.

how bad does that suck for me? 2 big ass rooms to grow in, but 1 600w and 1 4'4tube t5... half the ppl here would kill for the room i got, sad its just being wasted...

oh and thanks BKB, but this technically my 3rd flowering season. but i guess my first one done all the way right. i had troubles last two grows, tap water, bugs, weak lighting etc.


Well-Known Member
tap water here is realy bad bro, and by weak lights, i ment like old bulbs not puttn out their max! calm down KMK lol you ment rezent thos remarks didnt you?


Well-Known Member
thanks WBW im hella excited to puff them lushous smelly buds hahaha im hella stoked bout Kottons Domina it sounds crazy!


Well-Known Member
ok you hella got me that time lol i was thinkin what the hell this foo smokin you shud know that shit haha anywho cant wait for the beans bro!

the kryptos have a wonderfull sweet stinky fruity poo smell


Well-Known Member
To be honest,im an outdoor grower. My set up is weak imo.only yeild qtr lb on a good run in my cab:-)
Your spoiled, a 1/4 lbs is nice for a cab!!!

I cant wait to see what you pull off on this harvest Nor Cal. I also recommend you take your 2 favorite colas and dry them in a paper bag! See what the difference is when drying in a paper bag and air drying like your going to do. It will take longer to dry in a Paper Bag but......hmmm just try it out!!!



Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Your spoiled, a 1/4 lbs is nice for a cab!!!

I cant wait to see what you pull off on this harvest Nor Cal. I also recommend you take your 2 favorite colas and dry them in a paper bag! See what the difference is when drying in a paper bag and air drying like your going to do. It will take longer to dry in a Paper Bag but......hmmm just try it out!!!


maybe bkb. but ill back up the bag thoery!


Well-Known Member
To be honest,im an outdoor grower. My set up is weak imo.only yeild qtr lb on a good run in my cab:-)
im with bkb bro qp sounds pretty good too me hahah

Your spoiled, a 1/4 lbs is nice for a cab!!!

I cant wait to see what you pull off on this harvest Nor Cal. I also recommend you take your 2 favorite colas and dry them in a paper bag! See what the difference is when drying in a paper bag and air drying like your going to do. It will take longer to dry in a Paper Bag but......hmmm just try it out!!!


i know me too man it guna be a good harvest!!! i dryed trim from last grow in ppr bags.. ill do it fer shur with both bkb and kmk's recomendation! so what are the differance between the two? the bag being a beter idea obviously haha thanks guys for the on going guidance!


Well-Known Member
im with bkb bro qp sounds pretty good too me hahah

i know me too man it guna be a good harvest!!! i dryed trim from last grow in ppr bags.. ill do it fer shur with both bkb and kmk's recomendation! so what are the differance between the two? the bag being a beter idea obviously haha thanks guys for the on going guidance!
When I dry in Paper Bags, the buds come out more fresh and have their smell to them! Whenever I air dry like that my buds dry too fast and end up smelling like hay or fresh cut grass. In the bags take longer but they come out fresher IMO!

Thats why you should try a few different ways of drying to see what you like best. Take 2 colas and put them in a bag and compare them to the ones you dry out hanging. I would take it even further and take another cola, trim it completely and then take another cola and dont trim it and let them dry like that. I also think buds that are NOT trim when drying are better than buds that hang to dry after being completely trimmed. Does that make sense??? What I am is stoned so I tend to drift away......Just giving you ideas bro!!

