Cheetahs Real Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
sorry fo messin up in ur conversation with my tiny lil update :D lol .... so i found some time to clean me garden atleast :D hahaha ....and to move all plants at the same distance from the lights. i stabilized the boxes that hold the fixtures ....ok....shiiit....fuuuuuuck :D lol CheerZ!!!!!



Well-Known Member
kids are looking sweeeeet cheetah there a little yellowing on the lowest leaves on #3? is not too serious tho right?! love looking at other ppls plants....makes me smile :smile: lol


Well-Known Member
she will survive lol..u should call her Gloria.or Gaynor or GG or maybe I've had a too big a spliff 1st thing b4 i've actually woken up lmao


Well-Known Member
love the wake and bakin
lol ain't that the truth....yrs back, at uni, me and my mate would often have chilem(spl?) "fights" 1st thing in the morning. who ever woke 1st would gointo the other's room, with a nice fat fresh mix, kick him, wake him up and just shove the chilem in his mouth. "see ya in a few hours bro!!!" lmao....those were the days

mr west

Well-Known Member
i think ur plants look good man, it can be a pain with difrent hight plants but u seem to of sorted it here have a doobie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
dude your plants are looking mmmkay ;)

Could of stretch'd a little less... but bud is bud dude :)

Sweeeeet thnx for the update


Well-Known Member
shit man i kno that one of the clones and the whole s* are streched, but i'm planin to bury it stem and to fix this! also i'll clone the whole fckn s* if it's she.... anywayZ.... as u said bud is bud :D i'll try to put the fckn hps on this weekend... the builders will be gone today, so i'm on me own!!!


Well-Known Member
dunno talk'd to fdd about that.... I ask'd him if a take clones that are stretch'd will this effect the clone.. he said yes thats why i allway's take nice clones ^^

Im talking shit aint I ....


Well-Known Member
fingers crossed i will not :D hahaha.... i find this BS coz the clones have the same genes i guess... :| or i'm wrong hahaha.......anywayz we'll see :D i'm hopin for a feme...