Cheese & blue cheese day 15 pics


Active Member
Heres my 5 cheese and 11 blue cheese under 2 600w hps this is my 4th grow but i've always kept it simple only using IONIC grow, bloom and boost. They are now 15 days into flower and lookin good far as i can see. If anybody has any tips or questions for me please ask. Cheers



Well-Known Member
thats not the real cheese tho loooks different :S, looking good tho , where u get cheese from they look like seed plants which means they cant be the real cheese but the buddha cross is supposed to be very good


Active Member
they are all from cutting tho i dont know whos breed they were originally i've grown the same cuttings off a friend 3 times now and always ended up with dense resiny potent bud


Well-Known Member
oh they are cuttings not sure then just looks very different from my cheese plants, but then again some of mine look different than other athought they are mixed up between, Original cheese, blue cheese, skunk '1, b cheese and psychosis, but we eliminated the psycho stains there more leafy , and the blue cheese have loser rooots, so we got them its just the others, but will be able to split em up when there ready, gonna have to harvest individual plants , damn


i will be watching keep up with pics i started 2 blue cheese from seed 3 weeks ago and got 10 clones so far good luck with those


Active Member
thanks for comments pics 1 & 2 are blue cheese and pic 3 cheese i'll keep you all updated and post more pics in next few days