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plant a month and six day old just wondering if its growing right seems to cluttered and short


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no you want tight internodes but you might want some decent soil. do u water much it looks like the desert
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plant a month and six day old just wondering if its growing right seems to cluttered and short

Just my opinion but for 5 weeks old she doesn't seem to be growing very much.

The bottom leaves are showing a deffiency, either magnesium or sulpher, correct with epsom salt. The new growth, leaves on the very top, the tips look burnt, cut back on the nitrogen.

I'm not a soil grower so dont do anything i recommend until someone with soil experience chimes in.

Proper soil and perlite, and she should recover nicely.

Does she just chill on the bathroom counter, or is she in a tent/cab or outdoors? Just wondering about what lights you are using, if indoor grow.

Soil is crap. My guess is she is struggling to set down roots in it, thus not growing up. Soil probably has minimal nutrition thus the early signs of deficiency. But hard to say without knowing the details.
how would i move it into completley new soil and can i pick up any decent soil at like walmart or im a gonna have to order something i have it under two 42 w cfls about four inches away lights and fan on 24/7
Your lights are fine for a plant that size. Assuming they are 42w's. I am assuming they are, a 42w equiv would be a tiny ass light, lol.

As for the soil...

Stop growing in mud. That soil is compressing itself into a brick that your plant will have problems getting root development in.

It doesn't matter what you get. Even some crappy Miracle Grow soil would be better than what it is in right now. Just look for a soil that does NOT have any time-release nutrients in it.

I recommend Happy Frog, but it sounds like from your post that a hydro shop is not within your vicinity.

Get any non-time-release potting soil and some perlite and mix up your own if you have to.

As for transplanting... you are just going to have to be careful. Take the whole brick out of the pot you are using to grow in and start cutting off dirt until you start seeing roots.

Try to get off as much soil as possible from around the main root mass. Have your new soil ready, and after you have your root mass out and ready, gently squeeze the root ball a little to loosen up the mud brick, and shove the whole root ball back into your new soil.

Gently cover it with the new soil, lightly pack it down, and lightly water it.

Give it about a week and watch it take off.
got this today about to repot will it work waiting for reply to do it it indoor with perlite and peat moss


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and about how long after repoting will i know weather or not i killed my plant no kiddin that was a brick of dirt kinda scared to mess with it haha first timer here desires there just not the education lol been reading up like crazy