Check This 10 Pointed Fan


Well-Known Member
i don't think he glued shit. i got a lot of weird even-numbered leaf sets and shit like that my last grow.


Active Member
I got the joke stones... It may be stress... but it's the only only that's f'ed up on the plant and the plant is doing very well. I figured it was just an oddity...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't sweat it. I just saw some dude's thread who got a webbed leaf on his plant, and apparently he's gotten it before. I don't care if my leaves look like Hitler as long as I get good buds.

P.S. -- I'm fucked up again...please don't take anything I type personally. There. You've been warned. Now fuck off!

New Grower 420

Active Member
dont think that was stress i think it was just a mutation....when a human or animal is born with a mutation is it from stress? dont think so.