Check them Out!


new member/grower here. Thought id post some pics of my week old jamaican kush. I have them in those biodegradable cubes with thunderhead soil and thought i could get some advice on when to transplant them into my 1gal as the roots are already growing out of the bottom. Also I am growing in a closet space and have been using a 125w cfl to start them off. I have a 250w hps that is waiting for them , but is getting a little too low humitidy when turned on. Only problem is as soon as I transplant them into my gallon pots I will have to put them under the hps, as I will not have enough CFL light to reach all eight pots. I was going to wait about another week - 2 weeks and get a humidifier. what do you think?

Like i said I am a new grower and think i have done most of the research. However a little hands on criticism cant hurt. let me know what you guys think.



Active Member
Nice pics they look great for 1 week. If the roots are growing out the cubes i would pot them out now since your going to use a 250 watt HPS just make sure its at least a foot above them and point a fan on a low setting at them so they dont over heat or strechhhhh