check out todays pickup!


Well-Known Member
just picked this up today

such sweet tasting bud, this is proper amsterdam quality stuff rite here very hard to get hold of where i live so im over the moon with my purchase

no idea what strain it is but its deff an indica dominant, possibly northern lights.

ya like it?



stays relevant.
it's crack cocaine, literally the sweetest hardcore drug on earth. if you haven't lost your home to it, you just haven't lived. :)


Well-Known Member
it's crack cocaine, literally the sweetest hardcore drug on earth. if you haven't lost your home to it, you just haven't lived. :)

Thats just a fucked up statement Grow tech... But you can say anything you want its a free country..
I hope that you enjoy yourself using that shit ,, God knows I did years and years ago ( the mid 80's) got lots of pussy, had great times .. then it all changed. I'll let you live it out ..I choose to NEVER relive that part of my life ...


stays relevant.
LOL. Well, you know just as well as I do how sweet it tastes... and i'm sure you've also seen people lose their homes because they spend their money on it...

it's an absolutely wonderful drug, with awful consequences.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Well, you know just as well as I do how sweet it tastes... and i'm sure you've also seen people lose their homes because they spend their money on it...

it's an absolutely wonderful drug, with awful consequences.

Its your life bro.. its also hard time , good luck on your journey


Well-Known Member
that some nice weed

looks a litte like this stuff

but yours is little bit of an army green :)


Well-Known Member

the middle one looks more like yours, dunno some dank shit indeed it is :D



Active Member
Oh, yeah, crack. Always a good choice. /sarcasm/
As Denis Leary said, only in America is cocaine not good enough. Hey, let's make a drug that will destroy my life and make my heart explode. Yay!