Check Out This Info I Found About Not Flushing, That's Right, Not Flushing


Active Member
It's kinda funny how I see flush, flush, flush on most grows but most of the people in here don't flush..good topic here
I have to agree in regards to the flushing. Now I could get behind the "Well I dose the shit out of my plants, so I tend to flush out" thing. But if I smoke ganja everyday for 4 months and then decide to "flush" my system out for a week. There's a high possibility I won't pass a drug test. You could get lucky, but it's still in your system. All you're doing is scrambling like a moron because you weren't doing it right to begin with.

Another thing I noticed in all of the flushing threads is that many of the people who are STRONG advocates of flushing always throw a shout out to some product. Whether it's some late bloom additive or flushing agent. I tend to only believe posts that are backed up by actual sources, not some 19 year old stoners who know how to make a website or threads that dont advertise (completely unbias).

lol also i always read grow journals with these kids saying how WONDERFUL their plants smell @ like 5 weeks flowering then the next post is "Ok so now Im gonna flush them for 3 weeks". And probably a total of 10 days drying/curing. :roll:
Great info +rep
I am currently in my second year taking non-organic, bio-organic courses at my University. I will gladly admit I am not very knowledgeable with botany. But I would assume the equation is fairly simple for all living things considering we thrive on Carbon. A proper diet, nutrition and regimen equals a healthy life. Easy. I will ask one of the professors that teaches plant anatomy/molecular biology of plants when I get back from break. Will report my findings.


New Member
None of the people who claim they can taste chemicals in grass has ever taking the challenge of actually tasting the chemicals.


New Member
I have to agree in regards to the flushing. Now I could get behind the "Well I dose the shit out of my plants, so I tend to flush out" thing. But if I smoke ganja everyday for 4 months and then decide to "flush" my system out for a week. There's a high possibility I won't pass a drug test. You could get lucky, but it's still in your system. All you're doing is scrambling like a moron because you weren't doing it right to begin with.
They can't tell you what you ate last week.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's all in the cure. I am totally on the fence about flushing, i've certainly not noticed any issues. The only things i hear about flushing are weird ash and funny coloured smoke, sounds more like bunk weed than no flush.


flushing is the biggest misconception in the growing community.


the last few weeks of flowering is when the plant produces the most results. starving the symbiotic bacteria on its roots of the nutrients it needs for energy transfer only has detrimental results.

the only thing that you can do to increase smell and flavor of cannabis is a proper cure, mostly with a hygrometer. i invested in some after reading a thread on IC called ''a perfect cure'', and i attest to the difference a perfect cure makes. more often than not, the ''stem snaps its ready for the jar'' mentality is over drying the budz, which inhibits the curing process dramatically.

flushing is starving the plants when they are in the last throes of their cycle.


Active Member
very interesting read im on my second grow of the same plant so i am going to try not flushing this time


Active Member
I think I would agree with this article because of the simple fact that farmers in general don't flush their crops before harvest, they take the plants at it's peak and a flush could lessen that peak. =)


I think I would agree with this article because of the simple fact that farmers in general don't flush their crops before harvest, they take the plants at it's peak and a flush could lessen that peak. =)
thats exactly what lead me to believe flushing wasa gimmick years ago. common sense goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
It's all in the cure. I am totally on the fence about flushing, i've certainly not noticed any issues. The only things i hear about flushing are weird ash and funny coloured smoke, sounds more like bunk weed than no flush.
the only time that i didnt "flush" was my DP WW and it popped everytime i smoked it and had a weird after taste..

note:ive had a few harvests in my day.


Well-Known Member
I have about a dozen hydro grows, I didn't flush my first one well and I tasted nutes, I have done it ever since then and havent. Always dried and cured the same way. I dont go full strength either, I run the grow at about 1/2 of whats recomended and flush for a week with r/o or use clearex and run tap for a week. As long as they hang dry enough I get some great smoke


Well-Known Member
Well maybe, I always thought that flushing was when ya leach the soil with 2 times the volume of water. Using plain water still allows the plant to use the nutrients in the soil. As in uses em all up. Flushing is when ya flush all nutes out of the soil. Thats what i thought anyways