Check out my stealth cab. any recommendations?


Active Member
Im almost done with my stealth cab and figured i would post a few pictures. I still need to cut the doors and mount the dresser draw faces.

I have 4 fans total. 2 intake 2 exhaust. I plan on sealing the dresser in the middle to seperate veg and flower. All fans are connected to a fan controller. Inside of the cab was lined with emergency blanket. I have mounted diy light traps on all 4 fans. I have built 2 mini carbon scrubbers for each exhaust just dont know how to mount them yet.

I am wondering will those blue LEDs on the fans be a problem of some sort?

I have a 6 plant hydro setup and 6 seeds i ordered.

Do you guys think i should plant them all? im worried about space... should i just start with one?

I have built a 8cfl fixture for one side of the cab and when flowering time comes i will either buy a hps or build another cfl fixture for that side.



I really like that CFL fixture, nice job on it. Do you have the dimensions of the cab? Since by the looks of it, 6 plants might be a little tight in there.


Active Member
Thanks I found similar diy fixtures on here and replicated one. There are 2 seperate cabs and the dimension of each are as follows

Veg cab
L 29'' X W 16'' X H 24''

Flower cab
L 29'' X W 16'' X H 24''

These dimensions were taken INSIDE the growing area,

I know the 6 plants would be 2 much but what do you think is adequate for this space? I want to get the doors on and get my babies started :)

still concerned about the blue leds


Active Member
Just finished my divider for both cabs... going to seal it and head to the store to get some hooks to hang the cfl....

Am I missing anything? Im still not sure how to mount my scrubbers... will post pics shortly



Active Member
any ideas how to mount this? the guard to stop anything from hitting the fan is on the other side so if i press the scrubber to the fan it will stop the blades



Your call, but I would do 4 plants. You might want a small little fan just to help cool things and move air around. The blue Led wont be a problem. As far as mounting the scrubber, velcro has worked for me for things, if its still too close attache some sort of O extender so it doesnt directly touch the blade.


Active Member
Ok sounds good... another question i have is... I have 6 different strain seeds.. would it be better just to start with one since they are all different or would it not matter to grow the different strains together? probably a dumb question but im new to all of this...

Looks like i will be back at lowes today to try to find some sort of square to circle adapter to mount the scrubbers to the fans....

I got the dresser faces on the doors...having a hard time installing the hinges.


Active Member
The blue Led wont be a problem..
Yes, they will be. Try and remove them.
I'd take that fancy fan controller out of there too. They're all emitting a buncha light which will screw up your dark cycle.

I'd also suggest you just start like 3, see if they're girls during veg, and take a few clones if you want more plants and save some seeds for later.


Active Member
ok well these were the only fans they had available they all had some sort of LED light on them... there is 3 wires coming from the fan but i dont know which one to cut for the led on the fan. The face of the fan controller turns off leaving the fans still running.

also i have all female seeds..



Active Member
did some research... there are 4 led in each fan:wall:

Im taking all of them out have to cut 4 wires in each fan and everything should work


Active Member
they are in the corners,,, my first thought was to just break all of the leds lol...

Im on the last one now gonna snip the wires and install again.

Thanks buddy this is my first grow hope everything goes well.


Well-Known Member
they are in the corners,,, my first thought was to just break all of the leds lol...

Im on the last one now gonna snip the wires and install again.

Thanks buddy this is my first grow hope everything goes well.

What starin are you planning on doing?


Well-Known Member
nice little stealthy op. I like the pvc do it yourself fixture ,can they fit the 42 watt cfl's?,also at 24" height grow space you intend to top ,lst ?


Active Member
nice little stealthy op. I like the pvc do it yourself fixture ,can they fit the 42 watt cfl's?,also at 24" height grow space you intend to top ,lst ?

Thanks... not sure as i do not know the difference should i be using 42w cfls here? I know nothing about LST will have to do some research.

I just know i want to grow my own medicine and it must be stealth operation lol


Active Member
I am thinking of cutting the bottom floor out in the veg section so that the bucket sits on the ground and the top where the net pots sit is flush with the inside of the cab... would give me a few more inches.. is it worth it?