Check Out My Plant! About 4 Weeks In To Flowering! Newbie Needs Help! Whats Wrong?

20130830_113205.jpg20130830_113222.jpg20130830_113233.jpg20130830_113239.jpg20130830_113242.jpg20130830_113253.jpg These were taken 8/30/13

20130912_095423.jpg20130912_095431.jpg20130912_095441.jpg20130912_095454.jpg20130912_095510.jpg20130912_095517.jpg20130912_095554.jpgThese were taken today.

Using a CFL Grow Light...3500 lumens
I water every other day, and its only about a gallon, every other watering I use a cap full of Super Thrive.
Stopped Using M.Grow plant food because I think it was burning my plants.

Any other information you need to know feel free to shoot me a message.

Oh and the seed is just a regular old bag seed.


Well-Known Member
Well, if you could have given her more lumens she would sure be alot less spindly, but all in all she looks happy and healthy. Definitely consider ugrading your light source, you'll be much happier with your results. If upgrading is impossible, get more CFL's in there. Aside from that, carry on soldier !!


Well-Known Member
I concur with greeninkmoney you need more light. And i don't think it needs watering every other day. Try every 3 days. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
You are most assuredly over watering and like the other folks said more light is always a good thing.


Active Member
You only need give superthrive when transplanting and possibly when you first put germed seeds into soil. Giving it in flowering is probably a waste of your time and money.


Well-Known Member
The growth does seem a little slow..probably from not enough light, as stated. But the close up of the buds look alright; I see some crystal action going on up in herrr
It is crysralizing...your right I dont have enough lights, will be investing in more CFLs....does anybody recommend a cfl I should currently renting a town house and growing in your average sized closet. I chose CFL to keep the heat down since I cant use a fan to do it. Any suggestions will be appreciated!!



"Here are some common problems when marijuana leaves are curling.
Too much marijuana fertilizer
The most common cause of marijuana leaf cupping aka leaf margin rolling, leaf margin burn, and leaf tip curl/burn is overzealous use of marijuana plant food. In relationship to factors such as marijuana plant vigour and rate of growth. Leaf burn is often the very first sign of too much marijuana fertilizer.
A hard, crispy feel to the marijuana leaf frequently occurs as well, as opposed to a soft and cool feel of a happy pot leaf. Back off on the amount and/or frequency of using marijuana fertilizer. Too much marijuana fertilizer can also burn the roots, especially the sensitive root tips, which then creates another set of problems. Note - as soil dries, the concentration of the remaining salts rises further exacerbating the problem"

i was lazy, and copied & pasted, but yeah, what he said :)


Active Member
First off, You need more light regards if its cfl or not. Put more CFLs in there.
Secondly, what klevin is your blub? It looks like more of a blue instead of a red. If its around 6500k then get CFLs that are 2700k.


Well-Known Member
More light would be good. That's a given. Pointing that out to you is kind of redundant though as your lighting is not causing any "problems".

Whoever said less water first gets a brownie because as I've said to numerous others at this point, over watering is the single biggest mistake new growers make. ESPECIALLY when growing with cfl lighting as your soil will tend to dry slower than if you were under say, 400 or 600 watts with a hps.

Do your plant a solid and don't water for 5 days from the last time you watered. Don't be scared, they'd rather be a little dry for a day or two than wet all the time. When that 5th day comes, pick your pot up. It should be pretty light. Then water the plant through(saturate it). Not nutrients. Just water.

See how it does after that and by then you should have researched enough to know what to do next.
To answer your question about which bulbs to get, it really depends.

Are the CFL's your using the spirally ones? OR Tube bulbs?
( If they're sprial CFL's you will want about 5 or 6 of the 23watt ( 100w replacement ) 1,750 Lumen Bulbs along with your current lighting. ( They're 2700k, perfect for flowering )
( You can get a socket strip that will hold all these bulbs at lowes or walmart for like 20-40$, You just need to wire it yourself :D )
( I'm not sure about Tube CFL's considering ive only used the actual spiral cfl bulbs )

But all in all, thats really not a bad outcome so far with the amount of light you have.

I Myself am doing a much smaller scaled grow :D SOG Micro grow inside of an Old guitar amp :D

Hope your plant turns out well, it's looking pretty good minus the leaf drooping issue you're having :C