Check out my diagrams, need fan setup suggestions


Well-Known Member
Hi so i've got two separate rooms setup in my closet. Everything is basically done except for the ventilation and fans. This is the equipment i have. Any suggestions how to to best keep both rooms cool?


2x Can Fans 256cfm
2x Bathroom fans
1 Environmental Control: Temp, Humid, Co2

Room1: 1000watt HPS light, 12/12 light cycle, SOG ebb&flow setup
Room2: 4000watt MH light, 6 mothers, 24hour light, ebb&flow

As you can see from the sketch i was planning on pulling the hot air from the veg room and pushing it through the 1000watter to kinda kill two birds with one stone. Plus that would help me keep the flower room sealed to best managed Co2. My concern is will the cool light stay cool if i'm pulling the air from the veg room? Also i will need the fan to run 24 hours from the veg room, which means running almost pointlessly through the 1000watter while its dark. But maybe its worth it. I'm pulling cool air from a bathroom located in another area of my home. Any suggestions?????

