check it out.. pics


Well-Known Member
my plant is 45 days in vegg and is about 6-8 inches tall and bushy as all hell... this thing stinks sooo bad. it was my first grow and im on day 2 of flowering it just to see what happens. i like em short and bushy.. im growing in a small closet. the other 2 are about a week old from planting the sprouted seed. they are growing mush more vigourously at this stage than my first plant was. one CFL equal to a 100W incadescent. and 2 four foot t-8s "natural daylight" bulbs. miracle grow organics, shultz plant food. never ph'd my water. im guessing i should. wheres the best place to buy one? i have a thermometer and a humidity scale. i water every 2-4 days.

im not taking it all that serious... kind of messing with different things to see what works and what doesnt.



Well-Known Member
Flowering just to see what happens? thats the most important part, everything up to flowering is nothing until those 8 weeks that they make buds. get more lights in there and closer to the plants. ur ganna need probly 8-9 of those "100w" equivilant cfls to flower that plant correctly.


Well-Known Member
I agree with billybob, i have been doing cfl grows for a while and you really need to add more. If you use 16 26w blue spectrum cfl's you can veg for 10-14 days and your plants will be bigger than that 45 day old. Here is a pick of my last cfl flower. 23 days veg


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Great photo type X....

Hey SQ.. careful with over watering.. you plants look a bit over watered... make sure you have drainage holes in your containers and let the soil dry out a bit between waterings...



Active Member really do need more light in there.......yeah the "flower" is what you grow for.....not leaves


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I agree with the more light, you need lots more to get great buds. You are over watering too. Try to reduce the watering to a good amount once a week if needed and get some drainage in the bottom of the pots. Wait until the soil is dry but not too dried out. Your plants can give you clues, watch them and check them daily. You will start to notice lighter looking leaves ad soil, that is usually time to water. :peace:


Well-Known Member
that was after a flushing.... great info though guys. thanks. i water every 3 days and the soil is dry!

here is a pic from this morning.... looking alot better. i plan on getting 2 more cfls. maybe look for something like those in the first pic where i can have 6 on one peice. home depot?



Well-Known Member
those arent 100 watters or 150 watters. they are probly anywhere from 26-42 id guess. they say that number on the outside of the box as an incandesent equivilant. it will also tell you the ACTUAL wattage. thats what it is.


Well-Known Member
come on man... dont you think i know that? i can read a box.

can i maybe get some other pointers besides what things say on a box that i bought?


Well-Known Member
ok... i tried not watering my plant for 4 days and it did not improve the "sagging" of my plant.. it looks overwatered... but i do not think it is. the soil was bone dry so i watered it. looks the same overall. i havnt given it nutes in a few weeks either so i gave it some tonight. im using shultz plant food 10-15-10. the plant seems to look its healthiest when i take it out of 12 hours dark. and then droops a bit when its in the light for 12 hours. but today is day 8 of flowering and other than the leaves lookin droopy it does seem healthy.

questions i have is it okay to water the plant right before you put it in 12 hours dark? or is is better to do it in the light (i know to not get the lights wet) also, is it okay at this stage to put in a bigger pot with some bat guano in the mix? it does look like some pre flowers are showing.. crappy cell phone pics.



Well-Known Member
That thing looks sick dude. You need to water when the lights are on. I bet you are watering when they are off arent you? Its cfls so you dont have to worry about heat stress. Just dont get water drops onthe leaves and have the lights super close or it will burn the leaves. Just water the soil and dont spray the plant. I have a feeling you are either spraying or pouring water all over the plant...quit doing either or. Also, you need to ditch those t8's cause you obviously arent utilizing the whole thing. Looks likeyou have it leaned over it. Get rid of them and get about 6 more cfl's. Get 26w Soft white or the 42w if you can find them. But im sure you can get 23w or 26w. Get like 4 more and yes you can get that light thing (vanity) at lowes, home depot, walmart. And you need to by some Y adapters that turn one socket into 2. If you will just try these few things i said they will look 100 times better man, just try it for 2 weeks thats all.

Edit: You dont have to water every 2-3 days. Only when it needs it. It might be every day or every 6 days. Let the soil dry out to where it starts pulling away from the sides of the pot (you will know it when you see it). I bet you are letting the top get dry and if you would check in the middle and bottom of the pot its wet. I know this for a fact. Just try my advice dude. these are mine, the pics dont lie. i also have 2 under cfl doing as well as these too :)


Well-Known Member
i have been watering before it goes into the dark... but ive only misted it down maybe twice its entire life. and that was because i noticed it looked like some dust was on it.

it started with a shitty "grow light" basically a incadescent flood light painted blue. so im gradually getting things down. next im gonna let the soil dry out again and water before going in the light... ill keep posted.


Well-Known Member
Awesome man. Yeah i cant wait to see how they turn out. But thats what those spots are. Those are water spots/burns. The only other thing it may be is pH being out of whack. It needs to be up around 6.2-6.5 and it needs to stay that way. You cant water with 5.5 one time then 6.5 the next then 6.2 the next. That will cause those spots as well. And since you say you dont mist them any more that may be what it is. So what you need to do is either water about 1-2hr before lights go OFF(this keeps them from burning cause they wont be under the light to long) or 1-2hr before they come ON (this gives them a little time to dry out before the lights come on). Another thing you can do is take a paper towel and dry off the leaves when you water them. Then you need to get a good pH test kit. The ones where you drop drops into a sample of water are good to test the pH of plain water. But when you start adding those nutes and stuff it makes the water dark and its hard to see the color of the drops. And always test pH AFTER you add your nutes to the water. Well, water on the leaves or pH is what that is. Try these things ive said and it will fix both of the problems. Hope it helps buddy!

Sweet Mattness

Active Member
:joint:Nice looking plants. gotta throw in my two cents for what it's worth. TRANSPLANT. Get those Ladies into some 3,4, or 5 gallon pots. Higher yields, more bud!:mrgreen:

Sweet Mattness

Active Member
Whe the roots have no more room to grow, your plant gets distressed and starts to wilt. Get it into at least a 3 gallon pot, a good organic pottin soil from your local garden shop. DO NOT give any nutes for two to three weeks, only water with a ph level of 6 to 6.5
Yes, you can still transplant. That's now my 3 cents.


Well-Known Member
HAHA, when it has no room to grow it gets stressed and wilts, haha. Thats a good one. You can grow in a 20oz bottle if you want to. It will only get so big though. It wont get stressed and wilt by no means, but it wont get very big. As for the nutes after 2 weeks or wahtever thats yet anohter myth. I have been giving mine nutes since they day they poked their heads above ground. Yes, it was diluted quite a bit but i did give it to them. Its totally fine as long as its not to strong. I also use only organics so that might have something to do with it.


Well-Known Member
ok... i tried not watering my plant for 4 days and it did not improve the "sagging" of my plant.. it looks overwatered... but i do not think it is. the soil was bone dry so i watered it. looks the same overall. i havnt given it nutes in a few weeks either so i gave it some tonight. im using shultz plant food 10-15-10. the plant seems to look its healthiest when i take it out of 12 hours dark. and then droops a bit when its in the light for 12 hours. but today is day 8 of flowering and other than the leaves lookin droopy it does seem healthy.

questions i have is it okay to water the plant right before you put it in 12 hours dark? or is is better to do it in the light (i know to not get the lights wet) also, is it okay at this stage to put in a bigger pot with some bat guano in the mix? it does look like some pre flowers are showing.. crappy cell phone pics.

I would say that this plant is over watered and possibly a bit to hot and has limited access to fresh air and no c02.
I would also say that it has no fan on it and that it doesn't have enough light:blsmoke: