Cheapest, simplest, hydroponic system possable?


Oh, a powerhead? No, remove that and just go to walmart or something and get the biggest air pump they have in the pet section, some airline tubing and an airstone or two...
Ok will do and last question what is your suggested growing medium.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I'm fond of rockwool starters in hydroton...just make sure you pH your rockwool and rinse the shit outta your hydroton before you use it.


WALMART all the way //// YOU NEED 1 small fish air pump, 1 large fish water pump, 1 package fish hosing, 1 10 gallon storage tub w/ lid, and 2 middle size net pots (should be in sports section with golfing equ.) and then you will need to get hands on a grow and bloom nutrient because water has no food remember, or you can collect creek water and feed real well, anyways cut 2 holes in top of storage tub lid, 1 for each net pot, then just stick both open ends of fish tubing into the water pump and BLACK tape together, then lay pump at bottom and measure to net pot and give yourself an extra 3 inchs, then use excess fish hose ti install air stone and fish air pump for maximum circilition and air bubles in water for roots, put 5 gallons water in it with light grow mix and away you go, and oops sorry but you will also need small bag of clay balls to to root plants in net pots, You will watch these ba little girls grow fast than ever with explosive root growth, its very neat to watch..........