Cheap ventilation for closet grow?


New Member
Hello, I looked for a thread on this matter, but didn't find one. I apologize if I missed it.

I am planning my first time grow. It will be a small personal sized closet grow, so ventilation and air circulation shouldnt be difficult. I'm looking for cost effective methods that don't require much handy skills..
So, I would need an intake hole on the bottom, an exhaust duct at the top and a small oscillating fan inside. Would I be able to have the exhaust duct simply hanging outside of the grow room, yet inside the bedroom with window closed and bedroom door open? I don't want to have to have an exhaust pushing outside the house. Or since my grow will be small would I get by with just an oscillating fan and maybe opening up the sealed grow space to allow fresh air every now and then? Also, since the grow space needs to be completely sealed, allowing no light to enter during it's dark period, if I must create an intake hole, how would I be creating a hole that wouldn't allow in light when it's time for my plants to sleep?

Help is very much appreciated, I'd simply like to supply myself with high quality medicine with minimal stress when it comes to my design.
Run your air cooled reflector as the exhaust and have an intake with a 90 degree elbow as your intake. Use pantyhose as a filter for intake.

Would I need an exhaust fan as well as an intake fan for a small grow, say 6 flowering plants max?
Or simply have an oscillating fan on the inside with intake and exhaust ducting?