Cheap Odour Control for Small, Budget/Stealth Grows


Well-Known Member
Good little way i found of combatting odours from my small grow - May only be useful to UK growers, as i dunno if Neutradol sell it worldwide, but someone will do similar.

Basically, i need to make sure the communal hallway outside my apartment front door stays smelling clean - most fragence blocks & gels are shit (Neutradol ones included!) and they look dodgy by smelling too overpowering & not masking weed smell anyway. Ona is good but bit pricey if on budget.

So few months ago in my local Poundshop i bought Neutradol Bin Odour Neutraliser & Sanitiser, which is a dry, granular powder designed to be poured into the bottom of wheelie bins or kitchen bins and it eliminates smell from any rubbish bags above it.

I poured a little bit into a small bowl/dish/plate, etc (anything thats about the size of 2 matchboxes) and place it on top of electric box thats above our front door. And for such a small amount of powder it really does efficiently neutralize weed smell & freshens hallway with light smell of orange citrus, not overpowering at all. (for anyone who knows Neutradol, it is nothing like the blue & green air freshener smell, thankfully!) And it lasts for a good 5 or 6 weeks before u have to replace powder. I also keep a 2nd dish of it situated inside, behind front door too. You could have a dish of it sitting anywhere safe u want really - it works well.

The only considerations i'd give are; though its not a truely fine dust, do be careful to avoid inhaling dust when pouring & obviously wash hands after handling. And also since its just sitting out in an open dish, then DO NOT leave the dish anywhere on the floor or at a level where a cat or dog may lick it, or obviously a child. I find it works best placing it high up for safety reasons, keeping it discreet and also the nice smell seems to flow down & mask rather than relying on having to waft up.

Hope it might help someone anyway!