Cheap lighting, where to get??


Well-Known Member
A lot of people on this site have mentioned using the 150 watt HSP vapor tight light from econolight to flower with and i have found several other sites that where mentioned on this site that carry commercial lighting fixtures and since their products are very popularly used and realdilly available they are quite cheap
i attached a few links that i was looking at but what id like to know is what companies sell these lights and ship to Canada or are located in Canada

150 watt HSP --> (open twice to see product)

400 watt * this HPS?** -->

400 watt HPS floodlight -->

for flowering im looking to have a max of 600 watts, im thinking is it a better idea to get more hps lights at lesser power or fewer lights but more powerfull??

whats your take on this, if you have better ideas please speak up, id like some good input on this



Well-Known Member
nobody knows anything
there has to be someone here that has ordered lighting to canada in the past
most hydroponic stores ship to canada but im looking for a commercial lighting supplier since im quite handy and can turn their lights into great grow lights for cheap


Well-Known Member
i got my fist grow lights from an old warehouse that was gonna be knocked down, 400w mh i got ten
thats all i could get in my car there must of been about 50 in there. its good to recycle hee,hee


Well-Known Member
lol, flashgee, i was thinking about that but theres no building being demolished in my area right now, i was thinking of grabbing the hps lights if i get a chance at a new parking lot they are building in my area
and as for htg supply i heard they dont have the best quality but what do you guys think about htg??


Well-Known Member
before you go out and pay silly money check any old industrial type buildings
in your area inside warehouses/loading bays/car parks if the place is shut down
and not fit to be used as a business again may as well liberate the old lights and
give them a new home.

or you could pay a smack head a tenner to nick you one.


Well-Known Member
iv got my eyes peeled for that, and your rite, it is the same light and will work just as well, mite as well get it free :D
but htg supply has prety good prices compared to other hydro stores but hows there quality??


Well-Known Member
im veggin my plants rite now under a fluorescent t5 lamp fixture and i have a couple cfls on the ready but for flowering i want to get an HPS seeing as they have great lumen output and good light penetration, i just wanna know if i choose to get an hps system from HTG will it serve me well or will i end up having problems with their systems


Well-Known Member
when it comes to lighting be ready to spend money flat out. i know you can do it for cheap but its not worth it. go to your local head shop and buy a 400 watt hps for a 100 dollar mark up normally. they upcharge but hey dude your getting it brand new and that day you can start growing.


Well-Known Member
i see your point but i mean getting one of those econolights for 20 bux plus shipping is very cheap and i have acces to lots of parts, i think im going to go with something like this
i think thats a great build and deff worth it for a small growbox with 2 plants, maybe ill order 2 of those lights and have 2 of em in the same tube for more light, or should i do 2 seperate tubes so i can direct the light acordingly


Well-Known Member
theres no cheap hps light but for veg u can get natrual sunlight at any homehardward shop and get a fiture for less then 30 bucks my whole lights costed me about 400 with tax and that a veg room with a flower room and about 150 for the rooms to build not much after i get it all back a.s.a.p in 3-4 months lol


Well-Known Member
i see your point but i mean getting one of those econolights for 20 bux plus shipping is very cheap and i have acces to lots of parts, i think im going to go with something like this
i think thats a great build and deff worth it for a small growbox with 2 plants, maybe ill order 2 of those lights and have 2 of em in the same tube for more light, or should i do 2 seperate tubes so i can direct the light acordingly
Two of those for sure. Cooltubes if you want to, you don't really have to have them with little lights like that but it might make keeping the space cooler just that much easier.

Depends on how your space is layed out as to if you should seperate the lights or if it will matter at all. 1x2' won't matter either way. Trying to cover 1x3 they best be spread out.


Well-Known Member
is a small growbox, i might end up getting some wood later and fabricating my own for the flowering stage but its going to be quite small, not tiny but fairly small so ill make the cool tubes connect them with some 4" ducting and out to a fan blowing out of the box. i was thinking put two in the same tube but i think its better to build 2 separately for more light control....i kinda answered my own question, lol
im still waiting for econolight to get back to me on weather or not they ship to canada, does any1 here know for sure??


Well-Known Member

There are great deals on used surplus lights from building remodels and demolitions, as well as just used horticultural lights.

Some of the best deals don't even have them listed as HPS or Halide's but industrial lights or barn lighting etc. Just be sure to get models that are the right voltage for your house.

If you don't find them on craigslist, make a few calls to whoever handles used building surplus or stuff like that in your area. Often lighting stores will have pallets of old lights they replaced you can have for the price of hauling them away.

I got 30 250w halides free off craislist a few months back from an elementary school. They were asking $20 or so ea and I just emailed and said if they don't sell let me know and I'll come haul them away for recycling. Well, they didn't sell...

So peoples tax dollars paid for my lights, and many others growing in this area now.


Well-Known Member
well here is an update, econolight would have been a great option but they dont ship to canada at the moment which sux major balls
i found this site that has fair prices check it out and tell me what you think
btw i had check craigslist and in my area i havent found many deal (seems many people want to sell their 2-3 year old stuff for like 30% off face value they paid (not worth it in my oppinion)