Cheap easy and vertical


Well-Known Member
So after hours of reading I think I might actually be convinced that growing vertical will be the way to go.

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*Sewage pipe fittings, 8 or 10" diameter

Im thinking if I just make some stacks of sewer pipe fittings I could stick the pots right in and surround a pair of 1000w lights with 60 plants or more!

Ive been doing a lot of research and Im Thinking this may be the way to go.

Anyone have experience growing vertical?

Critics on the design?

Any tips and advice are greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
i have a vertical system you can check out in my signature... I dont quite know if I understand what you are trying to do... is it like the octogrow made out of pvc pipe??


Well-Known Member
Yeah I saw yours but it takes up a lot of space, Im thinking some of the big green plastic sewer pipe fittings 8 or 10 inch diameter pipe fittings, stack them 6 high and put about 10 of the stacks in a circle around a pair of 1000w lights, this way I would be able to move each pole individually giving me maximum efficiency from my lights

Heres a pic, see the pipe fitting on the bottom, I would buy some in a 8 or 10" diameter, stack them 6-8 high, stick pots in there and surround a pair of lights 1000w HPS in a small space, maybe 5x5 per setup.

I grow in soil BTW so it would be great and easy access and cheap.



Active Member
What are your sources for the "research" on vertical? I'm still trying to visualize what you are suggesting. Perhaps a diagram?



Well-Known Member
Sources are few and far between for vertical. I have had a lot of trouble finding good documentation.

Here is a very very crude diagram, but hopefully you get the idea, on the right shows the type of pipe fitting, I will be making a stack of these fittings about 6 high, put the pots directly in the angled hole in the front, and surround 2 1000w hps lights in a cool tube with about 10 of these stacks.

Make sence?



Well-Known Member
You mean soil not soilless mix, and not hydro? What about watering them? You going to take each plant out and water it while level then put them back x 100 per day? Watering soil on an angle won't work.

Also though that sewage pipe in the size you're talking about is not anywhere close to cheap and extremely heavy and more than necessary.

You must be smoking something good though, really good. :)

In all seriousness though you only need to bend the stalks at an angle, not the whole growing media. Hydro systems run for this purpose are flat and they train the stalk out to an angle. You could just have pots with soilless mix on flat shelves with a drip system, and use string to pull the stalk down towards the light to a 45 degree angle. That's all. If you start seeds in pots that are angled they'll just think they're on a hill and grow straight up anyway, and if you're planting clones you could just angle the clones in bigger pots after they've rooted in your smaller medium. Either way they'll still always try to right themselves when they stretch so it's a matter of constantly keeping them trained the way you want with stakes and or strings.
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Active Member
Thanks for the diagram, I thought that's what you meant, but, didn't register from the photo. Not sure how easy working with the pipe material is, it would seem that watering would be an issue. Perhaps a reservoir within each offshoot fillable from the vertical pipe? Too complicated for me to figure out!


Well-Known Member
oook I see what your sayin that would work pretty well I think I have seen one like that somewhere... i will look around...

remember though even with a 1000 watt in a cooltube your still going to need about 2-3 feet on every side of the light unless you have some serious air blowing through there plus the 6-10 inches of the piping so your looking at at least a 6 foot across circle if not larger... may want to consider 600's

also doing that setup in soil would be a pain, it would be better to do like an aeroponic setup where you pump directly to the top and have a trickle down effect with a large pipe res at the bottom.. I saw a system built just like that and it was sweet so i will look around and try to find the pics I am thinking of..

great idea though, very intriguing


Well-Known Member
Why would I take them out, I use Promix HP, I dont water daily that would be stupid!??

I am planning on building it so each pole can lean back, then the pots would be level for watering, which I do no more then twice a week.

If i made them in stacks of 6 high, and put 4 stacks on each side I could fit 96 plants under 2000w of HPS. 5 stacks per side, 120 plants!!!

I have considered 600s, its still an option. I have a couple bedrooms so I got space, just trying to maximize space and stealth.

If I ran a cool tube with a centrifugal fan it should be nice and cool, then throw a couple smaller fans blowing up the sides of the tube.

Sewer fittings are probably expensive if you go buy 1 or 2. I doubt the white PVC would cost that much. I know the project manager for the #1 construction company in Van, BC, they are running 6 towers right now, so getting some sewer piping should be Easy.....for me anyways. And Im sure a trip to your local used building supply store should yield endless amounts of PVC piping, just needs a good cleaning!

And Im always smoking something really good, one of the advantages of living in Canada, BC (Bud Country)

A very wise stoner from brazil once told be, there are no problems, only situations. We create the problems in our own minds when we are too lazy to think of a solution.

Imagine your sitting and smoking a joint, if a man runs in with a knife for a lot of people that would be a problem. But if you dont create a problem its only a situation, so just get up and kick him in the nuts, problem solved?

For every situation there is a solution.
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Well-Known Member
A very wise stoner from brazil once told be, there are no problems, only situations. We create the problems in our own minds when we are too lazy to think of a solution.

Imagine your sitting and smoking a joint, if a man runs in with a knife for a lot of people that would be a problem. But if you dont create a problem its only a situation, so just get up and kick him in the nuts, problem solved?

For every situation there is a solution.
I wholeheartedly agree with ya there BC..

I still think that you are making too much trouble for yourself.. I would suggest that if you are going to do soil you might as well just do some shelving.. you could put 4 sides of shelving really cheap and do soil with the same results... less money... and less effort.

again this is your baby and i am not trying to tell you what to do but I just feel like that if you are going to go through all the trouble of building this thing you might as well use it to its full potential.. I think that by having such small soil pots in those towers that you are going to have problems with them getting rootbound where as in a hydro or aero setup the roots can grow all the way down the tubes..

Also if you are planning on leaning the tubes back wont some plants be farther from the lights and others closer?

I am going to find a thread for you that has a vertical soil setup with 2000 watts and a cooltube which is very slick.. he is pulling 6lbs consistently and the setup is very basic.. I think it would be a cheaper option and much less labor involved if i am correctly picturing what you are trying to build..

again this is your baby and by all means follow your dream.. I am only trying to offer some alternative suggestions to help your brainstorming process!



Well-Known Member
Im not dead set on building this, lol. Im gonna veg them 18" and lollipop them under some 1000w lights like I always do.

It was an idea I came up with after seeing some of the Euro designs. You could even offset each row for even more light distribution.

Iv just got some more space and Im thinking of trying something new. They would only be leaned back to water,would stand vertical.

I could get some big piping and throw some 11Lpots in there no problem, again its just a thought, it would be a lot easier to stack some PVC piping, then to build a whole shelving system, plus I need portability and i need to be able to clean everything properly so I keep wood out of the grow area. Only organic materials I want in my grow room is my herb.

Again its just an idea, it would take a long time to get everything setup just right. I could read for 10000 hours and trial and I will still learn more with trial and error.

Its just a nice thought to be able to surround a pair of HID lights with 100+ babies.

Im thinking setting up a drip system in rockwool would work amazing as well, plenty of drainage, easy cleaning, no light in the PVC so no algae. It would just be a ridiculous mess of pumps and hose to get it all set up right.

Yeah these are mostly just ideas, Its definitely something I am interested in, but as always I will probably reasearch it for a few more months before making any major investment.

Yeah Iv been wondering about just putting pots on regular shelves, My biggest question is do you bend the plants, or are you constantly rotating pots??


Well-Known Member
rotating pots yes maybe every week give em a 180 so they fill out nicely.. and you could have wood in there and just seal it up.. or just use metal or plastic shelving.. and if you look at that other thread she didnt even bend the plant just let em grow up.. they will grow towards the light anway.. but if you want you could just tie em down and point em where you want