Cheap clone hormone gel?


Well-Known Member
Ez cloner I don't even use gel. And I get roots in 4-5 days. But in rapid rooters, I double dip. Take cutting, directly into ro water, 10 mins later, cut a slit an inch up the middle of the bottom, then scrape a little skin off the stem and cut 4-6 slits. Then dip in Clonex AND COAT in Bontone-1powder from Home Depot. Roots in 7-10 days.
Just snip at a angle..let soak in ro n rooting homone. Throw in cube


Well-Known Member
Or honey. I have organic honey I'm willing to try.
Spit , some growers have spit on cuttings and they would root. Saliva PH's around 6.3 and may be an alternative.

Aspirin ... Same as willow Bark. Helps with stress and is used to germinate and maintenece foliar. ( but with light use )
I have used aspirin before and 3/12 took root. Not bad for something I had laying around.


Well-Known Member
I found it better not to boil. Boiling degrades the hormone.
Ive got some regular tangie/cookies on the go,i want to clone them and have a willow tree in my garden,im gonna look into it a bit more,make the water,try it and let yous know if its any good.