cheap CFLs in UK?


Well-Known Member
hi guys, ive had look around the net (UK) trying for a 6500k CFL. I found a 18W 6500k inc post for £10 ($20). And i want higher than an 18watt. does anyone recomend a site in uk for the best store price (price, cheap).

What it is i have £10.57 or so in my paypal and im thikning on just shutting my paypal down. So i have a whooping £10 to spend LMAO

I know that if i need something i should go and get it, regardless the cost. but i have it all now, just wanting to empty paypal and get a wee thing i want?? 6500k cfl


or if anyone has for one sell, drop me line.


Well-Known Member
Buy something else with your money in PayPal. Don't waste it on cfl's.

HID (High Intensity Discharge) Lamps are:
  • Efficient. They put out more light, with less energy usage, than any other type of illumination available to indoor growers.
  • Bright. HID's produce more light than other types of indoor horticultural lighting.
  • Expensive. HID's cost more than flourescents. They range in price from $50-$600 dollars.
  • Hot. HID's produce considerably more heat than standard fluorescents.
Fluorescent lamps are:
  • Inexpensive. Shoplight fixtures can be purchased for as little as $7. Compact fluorescent bulbs only cost a couple of dollars a piece.
  • Locally Available. Most discount stores and home improvement stores carry inexpensive, fluorescent fixtures and bulbs.
  • Fine for vegetative growth. Fluorescent bulbs put out plenty of light for plants growing vegetatively, including mothers, seedlings and clones. Some growers prefer fluorescents for vegetative growth because of the slower pace of growth and better root development.
  • Fluorescents need to be in close proximity to achieve their rated output, which means their canopy penetration is more limited than HID's.
  • Comparatively inefficient. 10 forty watt fluorescent bulbs use the same amount of energy as a 400 watt HID, but produce far less light. Since they use the same amount of energy but produce less light, the remaining must be given off as heat. Contrary to how it may first appear, fluoros actually run hotter than the equivalent wattage of HID-- they just disperse the heat over a wider area.


Well-Known Member
i take it u dont like CFLs? just thought id give it a go as ive saw a few good results. Besides, it was only for clones for about 2-3weeks. I have a HPS at the mo.



Well-Known Member
The hps will work great for the clones use your extra money then for something you don't have. If you clone have you used an anti wilt product?


Well-Known Member
The hps will work great for the clones use your extra money then for something you don't have. If you clone have you used an anti wilt product?
Hi mogie, no i havent used a anti-wilkt product yet. just putting clones in proagator till they root.
Didnt get a CFL, gonna more money in paypal b4 closing account and im going to get good nutes and various other things...

Thx for the advice mogie ;)