Cheap and easy Co2

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
If you are willing to spend a little bit of money a good CO2 solution is a co2 tank from a paintball gun and a "remote hose" so you can safely discarge the canister. If you grow in a closet you could even drill a hole and use the remote fittings to route the co2 right into the closet.
Here are some links for places to get those tanks, also a good paintball supply sight if you are into paintball.
PMI High Pressure (HP) Remote Coils (for the remote)
CO2 Bottles (for the tanks)
as a side note I would suggest the 20 ounce co2 bottle as they are the cheapest to refill in the long run. You can get the tanks filled at most any place that sells paintball supplies.

Where can you go to get the tanks refilled?


Active Member
most any sporting goods store, also any paintball shops or paintball fields. for the 20 ounce bottles cost about $5-$8 to refill. there is no way to hook them up to a timer that I have found. There is no gauge to determine how much co2 is being discharged into your room. on that same sight under the gauges you can get a gauge adapter w/ gauge and you can at least get an idea of how much co2 you are releasing. Note psi decreaces from 1800 psi to 0 psi as the canister is disharged.


Well-Known Member
Someone posted a seed companie that had a despcrition of this method. The author suggested you put a piece of plastic pipe on the whole and run into another jar with water in it. The reason he gave made sense; 'the air=lock from a piece of clear tubing running into a jar filled with water will keep microbes out and demonstrate the fermentaion is working'. And its kidna cool watching a few bubbles force their way out every so often.
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this. Its hard for me to picture this stuff in my head, I was wondering if there is a diagram or something drawn up somewhere I could look at to get a good idea of how this works. I'm still in the planning phase of my first grow and I want everything to go really good. Sorry, I'm kind of a pothead, you guys'll have to forgive me, I need everything spelled out to me lol. But hey once I understand something I make good use of it :hump:


ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm thinking about going down to wal-mart and getting me a tank. I have a paint ball gun so it all works out fine. Thanks for the help. Happy growing.


Active Member
Brilliant idea skunkushybrid. Brewing whilst growing. mind you the fermented sugar would taste like shit. lol.

I brew a bit of beer myself, i'm going to run a hose off my fermenters airlock into my grow room. kill two birds with one stone


Well-Known Member
Well I have successfully used this method for well over a month and I must say I believe it has helped. I put the mixture bottle with the plants on 1/25 and I will be taking it out today. Shook the bottle 3 times a day and let it be in the grow room. Make sure you clean around the lid as much as you can or sometimes little gnats will be all over it! Everything went very smoothly I believe. Definitely a good easy to make solution for inside small time growers.


Well-Known Member
wow skunk that's awesome. i'm gonna give that a try haha. you could brew your own moonshine and grow your own weed as part of the same project lol


Well-Known Member
does it matter if the co2 jug is touching the plants, room is filled with plants. also, should i vent out the room at all every couple of hours or something? if i have an oscillating fan just circulating the air, not putting any new in or out, would that be ok?


Active Member
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding this. Its hard for me to picture this stuff in my head, I was wondering if there is a diagram or something drawn up somewhere I could look at to get a good idea of how this works. I'm still in the planning phase of my first grow and I want everything to go really good. Sorry, I'm kind of a pothead, you guys'll have to forgive me, I need everything spelled out to me lol. But hey once I understand something I make good use of it :hump:

do an image search for a bung lock....thats what he was referring to. makes your bottle sealed to outside air yet lets c02 escape....I make wine too and this is what I use when fermenting. (now my moonshine mash....that releases tons of c02)


Well-Known Member
You can pound your plant flat with as much light as you can pump through your power meter, But If you don't have CO2 available for the plant to utilize to complete photosynthesis you will by destine to waste electricity because the weak link will decide at what rate you will grow and produce, 90% of dried plant material is carbon which comes directly from CO2.
Here is a simple Gas engine, a scavenged a 5 gallon bottle with a nice thick lid , a brass nipple and 10 foot of tube that is fitted with a bubbler that can be bought at you local wine beer making store or online for about 2 bucks,
all in all total cost about 7 bucks
The bubbler will make a nice gurgling sound that will let you know it is working and keep bugs and oxygen out of the mix the long tube will allow you to place the bubbler above the plants you want hit with relative ease It can be attached to a stake of any common material at hand.
just and sugar water and yeast. 1 to 5 solution


Active Member
i use a similar setup only i use 3- 2 liter pop (soda) bottles and attatch the hoses with aqurium "T" connectors. one line then goes into the grow area. also the in-going hose can be separated outside the box and be capped for the night, stopping CO2 from entering the grow area and saving it when not needed. i read that you should cut off CO2 to the plants when your lights are off and shouldn't be continued for at least an hour after the lights coming back on. i don't know if it's true but, if that's what someone with more experience says, then...


New Member
Good point. Plants do not utilise Co2 during lights off. You are wasting money if you try to give your plants Co2 during lights off.


New Member
It's important to remember that co2 is essential... not something you can do without. I'm referring of course to sealed-in grow areas.

I flower in the loft, so I have a lot of air movement, and my area is not completely sealed. I only have 3 reflective walls, the other side is always open. So, as I live in the city, and the plants have good circulation, my plants have enough co2 to see them through. Of course I could always use some more, but I have an adequate supply.

If you have an enclosed grow area, you HAVE to supplement with co2.


Well-Known Member
I just cut the top off a coke bottle fill it with hot water, use 3 packets 'active dry yeast' 4 cups sugar, stir it, and that's it. within 5 minutes it'll start to get a foamy top on the water, this is the yeast culture starting. I don't use a second bottle, no hoses or anything. just 1 bottle! It works just the same. I have 3 bottles setup in my closet gro room. I adjust accasionally either the sugar or yeast as it starts to die down. I also stir it daily to keep things happening in the bottle. My bottles last for 2-3 weeks and are nestled in between 13 plants. I am also using molasses for my flowering stage, which is whereI am at now. (day 13)


Well-Known Member
i used the bottle and yeast method but I heard that it doesnt even produce enought CO2 to make a difference and that you would need like a 100 of these bottles