Why not just order from US sellers? Actually @BOBBY_G are you sure Citizen is ok with you reselling their cobs? They seem to restrict sales to official distributors and they are only able to ship to certain countries. Like CDI and tme.
Has anyone tried out the clu731-1210?
I was curious what lower current efficiency would be for the clu731 the data sheet I saw had it at 1750ma I think compared to 1000 for the clu48 sheetlooks like the clu048-1212 has 20% efficiency on it. not sure what the use would be unless you were building a flashlight and needed a tiny LES
Has anyone tried out the clu731-1210?
does not compute. less lumens per LES at a given wattage and distance cannot possibly "penetrate" moreAlso maybe better light penetration?
Why? We don't need a smaller LES or the tradeoffs that entails.
It's the exact same shit as a CLU038-1210, with a higher nominal current.
does not compute. less lumens per LES at a given wattage and distance cannot possibly "penetrate" more
Oh the data sheet I saw tested the 38 at 900 ma whats the efficiency of the 731 at 900?
Efficiency doesn't improve at all when you lower the current? Sorry I'm trying to understand the data sheets better now I'm totally lostThe. Same.
Efficiency doesn't improve at all when you lower the current? Sorry I'm trying to understand the data sheets better now I'm totally lost
Oh ok so about 140lpw for the 3500kThe same as the 38.