Cheap Air Scrubber


Well-Known Member
I just read this and thought I would pass it along. I haven't tried it but it seems reasonable.


The smell in your closet can be reduced in a couple of ways. The most effective way is to purchase an ion generator. Aroma is caused by charged particles in the air given off by the plants. These devices produce a charge opposite to that of the particles in question, bonding with and neutralizing them and therefore their aroma. A less expensive way to reduce smell is to "scrub" the air. To do this you could run a hose from the exhaust port on your ventilation fan, presuming you have one, into a bucket of water mixed with some type of household cleaner. As the exhausted air bubbles through the water, like a bong, it is cleaned and somewhat de-scented.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I just read this and thought I would pass it along. I haven't tried it but it seems reasonable.


To do this you could run a hose from the exhaust port on your ventilation fan, presuming you have one, into a bucket of water mixed with some type of household cleaner. As the exhausted air bubbles through the water, like a bong, it is cleaned and somewhat de-scented.
ahahaha nice... stoner terminolgy :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
OHH man I thought my homebrew burping in the corner every minute was maddening I'd want to kill someone with toilet tube sized bubbles going BLARF BLARF BLARF all night.


Active Member
I Always used an Air Purifier you can get for cheap.

Cleans the air, takes some of the smell away (if not all) and Blows fresh clean air back at your plants :)

2 for 1 right there baby! :p


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You may want to hold off on the ionice stuff.I know a lotta of people who are against them I forgot where the story online was but it has something to do with the ionizing being bad for plant growth and can really hurt the potency and growth rate.Now maybe have the ionic cleanre at the end of the out exhaust and zap it outside the grow room may work.