Chart for EC?


Sector 5 Moderator
I was wondering if there is a chart somewhere that has a recommended levels for EC. Also, how important is EC compared to PPM?


Active Member
I believe PPM and EC has a direct mathematical relation, so it really dosn't matter which you go by, but using PPM makes it easier - most all additives/nutrients indicate PPM.


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah, Advanced Nutrients have PPM's on their chart but NGT uses EC but if they are directly linked I don't see why I couldn't just use that. Thanks.


Uses the Rollitup profile
It's all measuring the conductivity of the solution, and that's how we estimate the ppm. In the US we use ppm that is calculated from the EC, in other countries they go by the EC.

HTH :mrgreen:
ever noticed that the range for most meters is
something like
rararararararaar hahaha

EC : 0.00~19.99EC
CF : 0.0~199.9CF
TDS : 10~19990ppm

notice how they are all just log10 of each othererersrsssr raraarrar!
from my understanding, these readings are calibrated to a NaCl ussually 700ppm or 431ppm etc.
Ive seen calibration solutions for EC and TDS.. But wouldnt they have to be standarised solutions of the same nutrients present in our ferts to be accurate calibrations? and seeing as we all have diff ferts that would mean we would have to all have individual calibration solutions...


Sector 5 Moderator
So I guess it would be easy enough to add enough nutes to get a low known value and write down the PPM and corresponding EC; then add more nutes to get a high value and write down the PPM and corresponding EC, then graph a linear curve between them. Piece of cake! Thanks Potroast!


Well-Known Member
PPM x .07 = ec
PPM x .05 = ec
ec / 700 = PPM
ec / 500 = PPM

I don't know why there are two formulas, I have read them both in multiple places.


Uses the Rollitup profile
So I guess it would be easy enough to add enough nutes to get a low known value and write down the PPM and corresponding EC; then add more nutes to get a high value and write down the PPM and corresponding EC, then graph a linear curve between them. Piece of cake! Thanks Potroast!

Yeah, that's it! A linear piece of curvy cake. :blsmoke:
