Charlie Sheen's Winning Recipes

This is not a spatula. It's a cooking wand, for warlocks. This is not a bowl. It's a cauldron of awesomeness.

Winning! Duh!


New Member
I really think Charlie Sheen is a genius.. I mean look at the Charlie Sheen rage going on right now, he living the life rich famous, doing things he dont care what people think.. damn I think I am on the Charlie Sheen bandwagon!!!!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I water them with tears of a Jaguar LOL!

I must say this

I'm loving charlie sheen

He truly is WINNING

all this stuff on the media, even the people bitching about his drug use..... it has to be the BEST publicity I've seen for anyone ever.... he just envelops the character, the media, and the public....and uses it to further his career & truly win at life even more!

I can't even imagine how much money he's making right now with ALL this attention

video is hilarious though I love it


Well-Known Member
Charlie Sheen......"the Malibu Messiah" as heard today on The Jason Ellis Show.

I laughed pretty good at that one.