Chaotic Blather Thread

Yeah, I'm gonna finish Mein Kempf vol 2 this afternoon..Heil! Heil!

Vhy alvayss in meinen tredss? cn

Hey guys has anyone ever considered what would happen if there was this distant planet and the most successful plant that grew there was Weed and somehow it evolved to become top of the food chain and then evolved conscious thought and then built ray-guns spaceships and then invaded Earth?

Something like this?
I was halfway through typing a witty comment about how you meant "chaotic" and then, just lost the whole fuckin' thing (fell right outta my head, but didn't land on the screen.)
"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit."

I'm not sure why the fool came to mind, but he is one of my favorite characters and always found him blathering and sometimes chaotic...
Hyperbollocks!! cn

<edit> oh waiiiit no ... I see the areola locators. They are what i originally thought ... I wonder how much fun one could have with an aftermarket rack and a bright red laser pointer ...