Channeling Energies


Well-Known Member

All right. This may get into some's personal opinions and beliefs but maybe some of You will like this...


As some of You know...

Substances such as; LSD, psilocybin 'magic' mushrooms, mescaline, n,n-DMT, ayahuasca, MDA, MDMA, Cannabis, Nitrous Oxide, Cannabis [Marijuana] and even Salvia Divinorum. There are many more...

Taking lower to higher [chronically administered] doses of these psychedelic substances. Over and over again... Can induce and bring on a certain, mystical effect that many people do not seem to be aware of.
To higher and lesser degrees...

This may be even confusing to even the most powerful people that rule the world as of right now.
Unless "They" are really communicating with Our ancestors and deceased nieces and nephews?

Some of Us may know...
Taking these substances as hallucinogens or as entheogens; taps Us into a consciousness that We previously before these experiences had no prior recognition or recollection of. Congruent to these unfamiliar psychedelic effects We see as unknown; can have a great benefit to Our own evolution as a collective species.

Telepathy, body language, linguistics, technology, and even thoughts Themselves.
"Tapping into consciousness."

"It may be difficult or hard to explain for 'the intrepid' or 'the inexperienced'." -Terence McKenna

Some psychonauts, like Terence McKenna and many others have explained not only communicating with 'the dead' is possible but communicating with alien lifeforms from foreign, informational galaxies on psychotropics is a reality. Both, physically and non physically
[Encounter or from far away distances].

The reason and motif for posting a thread of this magnitude is due to the lack of understanding 'the next realm.'
I believe We all need to focus on this for a bit.

We cannot underestimate OR ignore the people who once helped Us that no longer physically walk this Earth!!!!!!!

They are sending signals and cries for help, every second of every day. For Us to hear Them.
Why are They trying to get Our attention?
Why are They not giving up on what They want to continue?
Even though We cannot see Them... Can You feel that?
. . .
I personally believe that death is just like sleep, the loss of consciousness, absolute nothingness. Everything in existence is completely unimportant, importance is just another one of the many concepts that are keeping you from being at peace. I say that bc even their cries for help, or any other suffering they may be experiencing, is ultimately not important. That being said I will tell you that on a mushroom trip (7 grams from south America) I did connect with my friend Ushie who is a Roma gypsy living in Romania, funny thing is her mushroom trip was not until months after mine, but as we psychonauts all know time is meaningless in that realm, so we connected with our minds(our energies) through space and time and not only did we communicate she actually guided me through my trip, she is a very wise woman, quite sexy too.
I believe the infinite multiverse is stacked right on top of each other. There is only a thin veil separating one dimensional universe from another and these are infinite. All things are made of energy. Energy is never destroyed only converted to another form. When you die your consciousness travels to another plane of existence which is actually very close to this universe. This is why you can still communicate with those who have already gone; straight through the veil. They have limited influence on this universe because not all intelligent beings have the ability to listen. Yet.
Thin veil? You are thinking that veil is thin? LoL.

I agree with and admire Your eloquent use of spiritual words.

Just need to hook up a LAN router to the other side of the veil so there is non stop communication.