Changing to vertical lighting half way through?


Hey all,

I dont post on here very much.
more of a smoker and reader.. anyways,:clap:

I have 6 plants in veg, in cocco, 600watt hps and there about 3-4 foot heigh.

What i would like to know is if i change to vertical lighing half way through flowering, will this cause them to stop stretching? Ive got about 6foot 1 in height.

I really dont want too top them this time as last time i have a problem with them splitting around week 5.:wall:

Thanks all for you help!


Well-Known Member
It wont stop them from stretching but it will cause it to grow in and from different directions. Which will give you the affect you are looking for.

So yes go for it.


Sector 5 Moderator
Hey all,

I dont post on here very much.
more of a smoker and reader.. anyways,:clap:

I have 6 plants in veg, in cocco, 600watt hps and there about 3-4 foot heigh.

What i would like to know is if i change to vertical lighing half way through flowering, will this cause them to stop stretching? Ive got about 6foot 1 in height.

I really dont want too top them this time as last time i have a problem with them splitting around week 5.:wall:

Thanks all for you help!
I think it will stop the stretching because you can have the light closer to the plants. I'm going vertical on my next grow so please post pix when you get-r-done.


Active Member
if you are going to go vert you need to do it now! Doing so will allow bud sites to grow toward the vert light and not up. Once they start to flower horizontal you run the risk of them being stunted and taking longer to finish if you switch to vertical halfway through the flowering stage. What i would do if I were you is finish this grow horizontal and tie the branches down and go vert next time. RUI needs a Vertical Section..


cool thanks for the info.

If the do reach my max height ill tie down and hope for the best! it really annoys me when the stems split during flower, although i guess its kinda due to HUGE nugs!

Ill try to get some pic of them up over the weekend!


Active Member
to keep them from spliting at the node cut you a strip of good ole duck tape and make a band or some sort of twine that will keep it from spliting. By that point the stalk wont get much more girth anyways. Good luck!