Changing to a new brand in the middle of my grow safe?


Active Member
I got my GH and im interested in using the Lucas formula or the recommendations on the box but would it be safe to completely stop using one brand and switch in the middle of the grow?? Anyone try this with Ill effects? Quick answers would help cuz I'm gonna change the res tonight.thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I acctualy did sumthing very similar

had the GH Veg/bloom and micro for my fist grow (also the Ripen)

used it in Veg and start of flowering but even with the Lucas formula with only the Bloom/micro my plants got to much nitrogen, so I cut it and finish more or less organic with Bat guano Tea/powder and molasses

no problem, actually did a lot better (no clawing of new sugar leaf`s) after a flush and ended up yielding some nice tasty smoke


Active Member
Thanks guys I actually put some florakleen in the res n wait a couple hours then change the res and use the GH I bought the performance pack and I was using it in the veg room and noticed the plants on GH are a lot healthier and the roots are dense n white while my flowering crops that have been grown with DYNAGRO from the start have had multiple issues. Love DYNAGRO in my soil grows though! I think it's easier to use hydro nutes in hydro...