Changing the time of day my lights come on


Active Member
I have a sour diesel flowering in my closet right now. I have the lights coming on around 6 am because that's was about when the sun was rising when I had it growing in my window. This has been kind of inconvenient for me, since I sleep pretty late. I would like to already be up when the lights come on so I can water and feed my plant first thing.

So whats the best way to go about this? Can I just have one extra long dark cycle? Or should I do it gradually, 1/2 hr longer night cycle every day?


New Member
I have a sour diesel flowering in my closet right now. I have the lights coming on around 6 am because that's was about when the sun was rising when I had it growing in my window. This has been kind of inconvenient for me, since I sleep pretty late. I would like to already be up when the lights come on so I can water and feed my plant first thing.

So whats the best way to go about this? Can I just have one extra long dark cycle? Or should I do it gradually, 1/2 hr longer night cycle every day?
good question , really curious of the answer, I wish I could help you but I have no idea

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i personally just say fuck that and flip it to whatever time i'm in need of. i've yet to have any effects i've been made aware of. sure if you do it every week they might get pissy at you, but if it's a one off, i just do it. that is jsut me though, i tend not to give 2 shits if i see some rust appear on a leaf :P
You should NEVER change dawn, or the "on" time of your lights. Get a timer, can get a good one at CVS for ten bucks. Really no need to feed the girls first thing in the morning. But if that's your preference, grow on!!


Active Member
I already have them on a timer, I've just heard that it's not good to water and feeds right before the lights go off. I did end up pushing back the dawn by a couple hours, I hope that doesn't stress my plant out too much.