Well-Known Member
Anyone out there know if i can easily change the location of the thermometer for my central air unit? basically i want it to keep my bathroom/closet at 70 degrees butnot worry about the rest of the house. Currently i have no idea where it gets the temp from but if i run the ac with my HPS light on it keeps the rest of the house at like 70 and closet/bathroom at 75-80. There is a vent for the ac that blows hard in the bathroom by the closet, it is just not able to compete with the light because it turns off as soon as the rest of the house is cold.
Can i somehow reset/replace the thermostat to take its reading off my tent area? If so i can just close the house vents except the one and run directly off my tent area and save tons of electricity i currently waste cooling the house
Can i somehow reset/replace the thermostat to take its reading off my tent area? If so i can just close the house vents except the one and run directly off my tent area and save tons of electricity i currently waste cooling the house