Changing the light cycle of Autos...


Well-Known Member
Hi. I currently have 4 x White Skunk Autos in the same tent as some flowering photos, they are all on a light cycle of 12/12. The photos are nearly finished and I am going to fill the space they occupied with 8 x Critical Blue Autos.

The 4 Autos I have in there already are on about week 3/4 of flowering and obviously the 12/12 light cycle isn't ideal and would like them to be on 20/4. Would it be OK to switch them to 20/4 straight away or would I be better off changing the light cycle gradually, say 1 hour a day more for 8 days?

Hi. I currently have 4 x White Skunk Autos in the same tent as some flowering photos, they are all on a light cycle of 12/12. The photos are nearly finished and I am going to fill the space they occupied with 8 x Critical Blue Autos.

The 4 Autos I have in there already are on about week 3/4 of flowering and obviously the 12/12 light cycle isn't ideal and would like them to be on 20/4. Would it be OK to switch them to 20/4 straight away or would I be better off changing the light cycle gradually, say 1 hour a day more for 8 days?


I would try to sync it that they are getting more morning sun as they tend to sleep close to their night cycle. So 2hr every day until 20/4 should cause minimal stress.
With autos on their own time table, more grow energy is always good.......Switch to your preference cause autos don't give a shit.
Ok. I have sewn 8 Critical Blue Auto seeds this afternoon and put them in mini seedling bags inside a heated propagator. I have a proper south facing conservatory, it gets full sun all day. I have 3 photos that are nearly finished. I guess I will chop them on Friday. As soon as the Autos have sprouted I will get all of them on 20/4 right away.