changing lighting schedules during vegitation? any issues with plants turning hermie?


Active Member
just wondering if i switch my light schedule around with my vegging plants if that has any impact on them turning hermie in the future. i know during flowering its a no no. but what about veg.

also what about interrupting the light schedule. for example during darkness in vegitation on 18/6....if i turn on the light to do a little watering or just a general checkup. will this make my plants gay or transsexual? lol


Well-Known Member
No worries during veg. I come and go all the time in the veg room and some times i trim in there for hours after the regular light cycle. Never any problems. Some people veg for 24 hours too.



Active Member
No worries during veg. I come and go all the time in the veg room and some times i trim in there for hours after the regular light cycle. Never any problems. Some people veg for 24 hours too.

Seconded what you said. My favorite time of growing is veg 'cause I can come and go as I please without worry. It's nice to smoke a joint with the (yet determined) girls after hours! ;-)
Now I'm flowering. Seems like theres no time for us anymore...hahaha....

Here's one I was asking earlier. What if your a couple weeks into flower and you switch back to 18/6 due to a significant light upgrade? (The plants were real scrawny)


Well-Known Member
Bad idea in practace, you can do it but, the plant goes through a lot of stress and you could get hermies when you put them back into flower.
