Oh he died? that's a shame. If the plant died later of a broken stem, we may have a good movie plot.
She was a shy girl, the relationship grew slowly. After weeks of visiting her every day the love seemed to exploded over night, destiny is so. He wanted better for his girl, currently living in a box with her five chubby sisters and that gender confused one with more toes than fingers. The next month was hard labor, staying off the booze and cigarettes to save every penny of his dole/welfare. He bought a 2 man tent, was no mansion.. but at-least they were together. He wanted her to be happy, tending to her every need. If it was too hot he'd bring her water and fan her with a slipper. If too cold, he'd jog on the spot to generate heat.
She hated spiders, when ever he found one he would kill it then dispose of it out side. He never really killed them, but it made her feel better to think so. In stead he would stomp near it, pick it up and whisper ''sorry fella, nothing personal.. again'' before carefully laying it down out side. Ofc the little bugger kept coming back, so it was a labor of love and friendship.
One stormy night the last candle finally burned to a flicker, what a finicky little bitch. So off he trots to the local asda store, 40w light bulb free with any purchase over £5, bargain. Gets back home, hooks up an extension from the neighbors mains and ''let there be'' BANG. Everything was soaked, what a prick. Two days later the police visited him in hospital asking questions about a tent, plant and tampered mains. One of the officers seemed more interested in why he had oven gloves melted to his hands. He died later that night, course: Impact damage, the sheet rope didn't hold. He knew the police were still at the tent questioning her and it was only a matter of time before she broke ;[.