Changing Light Schedule for a Short Time


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm about to have some unexpected company and I'm like in week 5 or 6 of flowering (I started March 21 or 23). Bout to have some unexpected company and I want to keep my closet grow hidden. My 400W HPS keeps pretty hot so leaving the door closed isn't an option. My lights right now go from like 3am to 3pm. Can I change that to go from 11pm to 6am or 7am for the duration of the stay then switch back after they leave? Will this fuck shit up? I just thought that'd be safe since everyone'd be asleep anyway.


Well-Known Member
you will be ok but don't change the schedule cold turkey. move the dark time an hour or so a day so you don't freak them out with a randomly long day or night.


Well-Known Member
A single change like that shouldn't screw it up, imo. Might want to finish with that new schedule though, so as to avoid a second change. Or, phase in the return to regular schedule.


Well-Known Member
aight cool guys. Changed it so that I kept the 12 hours of dark and only had like 8 hours of light today. Finishing the switch to the late night light schedule so that I keep at least 12 hours of dark all the way through.

btw, Oust works great as an odor neut.